Cast the Cards - Page 6

“That carefree girl who wanted to teach impressionable young minds and heal the world one person at a time is long gone, Clark. I’m sorry.”

Clark ducked his head and nodded. “No, I knew she wouldn’t be the same. I just hoped…”

“I know. “ Carey sniffed, sucked back tears. Time for a safer topic. “You said the people that did this to you are back?”

“Yes, they’ve been at this game a long time. There have been more victims than anyone can imagine.”

“Why? What’s their motive?” The senseless violence people inflicted on others sickened and confused him. You have an issue so you take it out on an innocent victim?

“I don’t know. I’m not told everything. I do know you need to stay close to Savannah. It’s a matter of life or death. She needs someone to watch her back at all times, and you’re the only one I trust to do that.”

“I hate to break it to you but she runs with the big dogs. The F.B.I . I’m a lowly police sergeant in Dale.”

“It’s not going to matter.” Clark shook his head. “They’ll bring this fight to your doorstep.”

“What do you mean?” Goosebumps broke out over Carey. Silence stretched between them. “Clark?”

Clark’s demeanor changed. The spark left his eyes and his shoulders slumped. “You’ll see. I have to go now.”

“Are you kidding me? Right now?”

“Get in touch with Vannah. It’s important.” Clark’s form wavered.

“Don’t you leave me with that half-cocked answer!”

“This isn’t on my terms –” Clark disappeared in mid-sentence.

“Fuck!” Turning, he slammed his fist into the wall. Pain radiated up his fingers. He hugged the injured hand to his chest.

Did that really just happen? If I was smart I’d cook myself breakfast and forget the whole thing. The idea sounded good. If there was as remote chance Clark had been here, he’d do what he asked. Despite everything, he still cared about Savannah, and he’d do anything for his brother.

Looks like I’m in for a trip down memory lane. Whether Savannah wants it or not.

Chapter Two


Savannah looked up from her desk and frowned. It never failed—the second she was trying to leave the office something important needed tending. “What’s up, Davis?”

“Package for you.” The dark-haired man held up a manila envelope and shook it back and forth.

“Thanks.” She took the yellow square from him and placed it in her weekend satchel. She always took a few days off this time of year.

“When you headed back this way?” Davis’s brow furrowed as she locked her desk, zipped up her satchel, and stood.

“What? You gonna miss me?” She lifted an eyebrow and smirked.

Davis rolled his eyes. “You wish, West.”

They’d butted heads when he first joined the team, but now they had a sibling-like relationship. Their quips were in jest.

“I’ll be here Monday, bright and early, ready to whip you back into shape.” Winking, she turned to her partner. “I’ll see you Monday, Blanton.”

“I’ll hold down the fort while you’re gone.”

She snorted. “Right, ‘cause it’s a regular C.S.I. down here.” Chuckling to herself, she walked down the aisle and out of the office. If only TV viewers knew how dull profiling really was.

The majority of her time was spent at a desk, hunting through papers and databases. In many ways they were almost contractors, working on whatever needed their attention at the moment. To her it was all relative. Even one step closer to catching the people who’d committed these heinous crimes was better than nothing. It was her mantra. The one thing she believed with her entire soul that kept her from going crazy.

Tags: Shyla Colt Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025