Cast the Cards - Page 42

“We’ll see. I’ll meet you at your place in an hour.”

After opening the door, she walked out of the room with a little extra sway in her hips. He wanted a weekend to remember… that’s what I’ll give him.


“Clark.” It felt stupid calling his brother like this in the middle of his bedroom. Can he even hear me? There was so much he didn’t know about how his ghostly status worked. Clearing his throat, he glanced around. His packed bag waited on the couch. Now all he needed was his brother.

Clark appeared to his right. “You called me?” The shock lessened every time he saw him appear out of thin air. Now he barely batted an eyelash.

“Yes, Vannah and I want you to go to the cabin with us.”

Clark frowned. “Why? I don’t need to be the third wheel.”

“This is the last step for all of us to settle things together, one last hurrah.”

“She agreed to this?” Clark crossed his arms, resting his weight on the back of his heels.

“Yes. You make it sound like we’re the last people you’d want to be around. I thought it was lonely where you are now.”

“It is, but that I’m used to.” He shrugged.

Carey sighed. “You shouldn’t have to be.”

“Hey, it is what it is.”

“I hate that phrase, because it never makes the situation you’re in the midst of any easier to swallow.”

Clark laughed. “No, it doesn’t. Look, don’t feel like you have to throw me a bone. If you want to go off into the woods to be alone with your girlfriend it’s your prerogative. I know you guys have been damn near killing yourselves to find these bastards.”

“For the record she’s not my girlfriend.”

“What is she then?” Clark scowled.

“I don’t know.”

“I didn’t hand her over for you to fuck this up, Carey.” Venom coated every word.

“Tell me. Why did you let her go?” He wrinkled his brow and crossed his arms over his chest.

“You know as well as I do we could never amount to shit! I’m going to leave and she’ll still be here. Are you purposely trying to be an asshole?”

He ignored his comment. “It wasn’t worth it to stick around? Actually be there to spend what time you have left together?” He wanted to break through the hardened shell that covered him and break through to the man he saw growing more and more bitter.

“Are you trying to guilt me?”Clark clenched his jaw.

“No, I’m trying to get through that thick skull of yours!” Carey growled. “You’re wasting what time you have hiding from her, and from me.”

“Maybe it makes me sick to see the two of you,” he whispered.

“Don’t act like we make out in front of you.”

“I can smell the sex on you. I see the hickeys and the tousled hair.” Clark’s body vibrated with anger as he grew louder with every word. “It should’ve been me!”

That’s the admissio

n I was waiting for .“So step up then.”

“Wait—what?” Clark’s voice became a blank canvas.

Tags: Shyla Colt Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025