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Vixen Healed (Vintage Vixen 2)

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“Do you think I’ll be safe now?”

He nodded.

“They worked as a team, but they had no gang ties or mafia connections that we ever saw. No one will come looking for revenge.”

“Does that mean I’m no longer under protective custody?” What does that mean for us? She bit the inside of her cheek.

“Depends on what the Chief wants to do. I’ll go talk to him while you finish up here.”

“All right.” She turned her attention to the sheets of printed paper in front of her.


Kelly paused outside of the large office in the corner. The Chief waved him in, and he entered.

“She had a positive ID, and I have her filling out her statement.”

“Sit down and close the door, Quinn.” He placed his glasses on the desk in front of him and paused to drag a hand over his weary face. Dark circles were forming beneath his eyes.

I got a feeling I’m not going to like what he says. Kelly moved to the door, closed it and came to stand across from him at his desk.


Once he was seated the Chief sighed.

“What was that?” He gestured toward the window that peered out over the precinct with a weathered hand.

“I’m not following you.”

“The sparks between you and Ms. Reading could’ve burned down the building! It’s not like you to dip your hand in the cookie jar.”

“It’s not like that—”

“So there’s nothing going on between the two of you that could make the department look bad, or the case questionable?”

“This case is solid.”

“I’ll take that as a yes. You’ve been too good to be true for far too long. I should’ve seen something like this coming.” He shook his head.

“It’s not some fling.”

“I don’t give a shit what it is as long as you do it on your on time. Keep your hands to yourself until this thing is over.”

“Do you want me to take her out of protective custody?” He clenched his jaw.

“Are you being a smart ass?”

“No, sir. That’s what I came in here originally to ask.”

“Tell her we’ll have patrols checking in on her, but I think she’ll be fine. I want her out of your place by the end of the weekend.” He narrowed his eyes. “Are we clear?”

“Crystal, sir.”

“Good, get on out of here.”

And the penny in the air drops. He felt embarrassed. Like a teen caught having sex in the back of his Daddy’s car. He all but slinked back to his office. She glanced up when he opened the door.

“He said you could go back to your house at the end of the weekend. We’ll have a car patrolling the area to keep an eye on you.”

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