Twisted (Burbank and Parker 1) - Page 80

“Sloane? This is Burt. Is it a bad time?”


nbsp; “Burt.” He was the last person she’d been expecting. “No, of course not. I’m just buried in work. Is there a problem with your mother?”

A brief hesitation. “Sort of. Her vitals aren’t great, and the doctor’s not happy with her deterioration. I took her to see him today, and he ran some tests. Hopefully, the results will tell us what’s going on. In the meantime, she’s on strict bedrest. I’m stuck at the bookstore tonight doing inventory. I won’t be back until around ten-thirty. The visiting nurse will only be at my mother’s place until seven. She’s leaving a casserole in the refrigerator, but my mother’s not up to warming it up, much less sitting down at the kitchen table and eating it. And then there’s Princess Di, who needs to be walked and fed. I was wondering if I could impose—”

“Say no more,” Sloane interrupted. “I’ll go over to Elsa’s a little before seven while the nurse is still there. I’ll pretend I’m just dropping by to say hi so she won’t feel like a burden. I’ll feed and walk Princess Di while the nurse is still with your mother. After she leaves, I’ll heat up the casserole and we’ll have a lovely dinner in the upstairs sitting room. Stay at the bookstore as late as you need to. I’ll be with Elsa until you get here.”

Burt’s sigh of relief was audible. “Thanks, Sloane. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it.”

“There’s nothing to appreciate. You’ve come to my rescue on more occasions than I can count. I’m delighted to help. So, do your inventory. I’ll see you when I see you.”

She hung up the phone.

“What was that all about?” Derek asked.

Sloane explained the situation to him.

“I’m sorry about Elsa. I know how fond of her you are. As for Burt…” Derek frowned. “That guy’s a little out there. I’m not thrilled about your being alone with him, even with his sick mother upstairs, and the security assigned to you parked right outside.”

Sloane waved off Derek’s concerns. “You’re right, he is odd. But he just when through a messy divorce, his mother’s all he’s got, and she’s slipping away. I think he’s scared.”

“He’s got the hots for you, you know.”

“I noticed.”

“To my way of thinking, a recently divorced, vulnerable guy who’s odd and wants to hook up with you doesn’t sound like the ideal companion.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Sloane smiled. “But I wouldn’t worry. Burt’s seen my Krav Maga skills firsthand. I gave him and Elsa a demonstration once when I picked up the hounds. He’s also seen me shoot. I’m pretty intimidating with my bow and arrow. I’m also getting more accurate every day. At this point, my arrows consistently strike the red, in a tight cluster around the bull’s-eye. Truthfully, I think Burt’s fascinated by me, and at the same time, half afraid. He’s not exactly the macho type. He wouldn’t try anything for fear of his well-being.”

Derek looked amused. “When you put it that way, maybe I should be scared, too.”

“Maybe you should.”

The phone rang again. This time it was Derek’s cell. He punched it on.

“Parker,” he answered. “Mrs. Truman.” He shot Sloane a how-do-you-want-to-handle-this look. “Actually, I was going to get in touch with you either later today or tomorrow. Yes, we have some new information. But it’s only part of the whole picture. I was waiting until I had all the facts before I called you.”

Tell her we’ll call her together on speakerphone. Sloane mouthed the words.

Derek nodded. “I understand. You’re both anxious. Well, I’m reviewing the update with Sloane Burbank as we speak. Why don’t the two of us call you back on a landline using a speakerphone. That way, we can all take part in the discussion. Fine. Give us five minutes.” He punched off the phone. “Dr. Truman is with her,” he informed Sloane. “So this will be a four-way talk, complete with a castigation and interrogation session. Do you still want to take the lead? Because I assume that’s why you were signaling me.”

“Yes, but only because I know them. It might take the tension down a notch or two.” Sloane’s pause was grim. “Not that my news is comforting. It implies the very worst of outcomes. This whole thing sucks.” She made a deferential gesture. “But this is your case. I told you I wouldn’t step on your toes, and I won’t. If you’d prefer to tell them what we found—”

“No, I think it should come from you,” Derek replied emphatically. “I’ll fill in the official details, emphasizing the role the FBI lab at Quantico is playing, and the fact that our forensic engineer’s analysis is still in the works. I want the Trumans to feel reassured that all the FBI’s resources are being utilized for the purpose of solving Penelope’s disappearance.”

“And I get to confirm their greatest fear. Because no matter how I spin it or cushion it, they’re going to draw the same conclusion we have—that Penny is dead.”



DATE: 8 April

TIME: 1530 hours

She walked right by me, eyes glazed, pupils as wide as saucers, oblivious to everything except the plastic bag stuffed in her pocket. That she fingered nervously, anxious to shoot up what she’d just scored.

Tags: Andrea Kane Burbank and Parker Mystery
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025