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One Night with You (Fated To Love You)

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Her smile is absolutely incandescent. “Good to know that those run in every family. Also good to know that he isn’t a robber. A burglary on top of everything else is more than I can deal with.”

She follows me over to the door as I unlock it for Wes. When he steps in, he smiles politely at Leandra, then beats a fast path to the living room before I can attempt to wedgie him. He does grab the meat and cheese tray on his way in, so I guess I have to give him some credit. Leandra leans out the door, her eyes narrowed, one hand shielding her brow.

“Wait,” she gasps. “Is that a toilet cake floating on a flamingo in the middle of the pool?”

“It is,” I confirm. “I was told to hide it, though I’m not sure why.”

It takes a second, but then Leandra breaks into spontaneous, deep laugher that rolls through her, nearly doubling her over. The sound is happy and infectious and I find myself joining in, because yes, this whole thing is wild and a little ridiculous and not at all normal, but then, maybe normal is overrated, because now that Leandra is here, everything seems absolutely perfect and I’m almost not scared at all to go in there and face her family.

“You know,” Leandra says softly, searching for my hand and twisting our fingers together. “You might be right about tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow. There might be hope for it yet. If that cake is any indication, you’re going to fit into this family perfectly.”

Chapter 10


Now that we’re walking towards the living room and my whole family is in there, and Daniel’s grandma and his brother too, I’m starting to freak out. Okay, I never really stopped freaking out, but I was supposed to come up with a game plan and I have a solid lack of a plan. I know that however I was going to announce this, it’s not going to go well. My brothers could turn murderous. Well, not murdery murder, but like something close. My cousins aren’t going to take the news any better. My mom and auntie will probably cry, and my granny will probably start saying inappropriate things and cheering and that will just get everyone all fired up all over again, and I have no idea how Daniel’s grandma and brother will react.

So yes.

We’re shuffling into a room that’s gone dead freaking quiet as soon as everyone spots us. The couches are both full, the love seat is occupied, the cuddle chair is jam packed, and there are a few folding chairs in the room that have bodies on them. It really hits me. This is the first time in a long time we’ve all been in the same room together, so everyone must expect something big.

I know I need to deliver.

Daniel’s standing right beside me, a big wall of strength that I know intuitively I can lean on if I need to. I might not know him well, but I just- I don’t know. I get good vibes from him. Safe vibes. Protective, sweet, caring, nurturing vibes, which is different than vibes I’ve ever got from guys before, especially guys who look like him. I’ve heard big guys can be teddy bears, but not guys that are big and muscly and smoking gorgeous. No, they’re usually assholes to the first and finest degree.

Not Daniel. No, Daniel is the kind of guy who isn’t afraid to let me see his tears. I know he’s tough. God, he got ball bagged by a cactus spine, which is basically like getting a piercing, and he took that in the ass, and the uh- well- other bits too, and he still sat in the car and had the most rational, calm, reassuring conversation with me of my lifetime over the most irrational, wild, shocking, life changing thing.

I don’t care that all eyes shift to me when I take a side step closer to Daniel. I don’t care that Toren’s eyes narrow and Trent’s eyes shoot straight to my hand as I take Daniel’s and grasp it firmly. I turn my eyes away from my brother’s hostile glares- not directed at me, but at Daniel- and instead look to his dark eyes. They’re alive and dancing, and I have to wonder at and envy his ability to be calm right now.

“I’ll make this short and sweet,” I croak like a sick frog. Short and sweet is about the only way I can survive this. Daniel squeezes my hand for reassurance. I feel more in control of my own emotions today, even though my nerves are out of control, so thankfully I’m not quaking or bursting into tears or smiling uncontrollably when I don’t want to be. “I- Daniel- well, you’re probably wondering why you’re all here-”

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