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A Throne of Ruin (Deliciously Dark Fairytales 2)

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There are more important considerations than whether a man can protect us. Besides, when we work together, we don’t need anyone’s protection.

She huffed. When we are with child, or protecting our young, or attacked by demonic creatures in the wood—like you were two days ago—we need a strong mate to protect us. We need a defender. There is none stronger than that alpha dragon. None. Everyone else is a waste of time. End of story. There is no one else we can mate who will make us happy. Now stop being a wench and go back to him!

Except he was the one who left us, not the other way around…

They’re males. They get confused which head is for thinking and do stupid shit. As females, we need to set them right.

I rolled my eyes.

Okay then, nice talking to you, I thought, and pushed her out of my head. She needed some time to cool down, clearly. Maybe a lot of time.

“Hi, Finley.” James gave me a toothy smile. That smile used to make my heart pitter-patter. But now I felt…absolutely nothing. Literally zero. “I haven’t seen you in a while. Pulson and Mary across the street from you said you’d left for a couple days. Is everything okay?”

“I’ve been busy hunting and working on a new elixir for the sickness.”

He nodded, taking in my clothing. “Still dressing like a man, huh?”

“Have you ever tried hunting in a bushy dress?”

He snickered and rolled his eyes. “Always the rule breaker. You think you can get away with anything because you’re pretty. Someday you’ll finally settle down, though. You’ll have to give up your pants and craziness then.”

“Or maybe I’ll just stay single forever and fuck demons in the pub, hmm?”

His jaw dropped in surprise. His face turned red.

I grinned and pushed past him. Apparently the trip to the castle, however brief, had made me just that little bit sexually coarser. The good news was that his putdown didn’t hurt in the slightest. Nyfain’s sweet words about liking me down to my soul had soaked under my skin. They’d changed me. They’d made me feel like it was okay to be myself, even if I was an outcast.

Ignoring the people staring, I walked to the next stall and picked out my items. That done, I worked my way through the market, grabbing what Hannon had said he needed, and then stopped by the booth with the furs and skins, seeing what sort of quality was in vogue right now.

“See anything you like?”

A cold trickle ran down my spine. Here we go.

I straightened and turned, finding Jedrek just behind me. I used to think him tall and broad, but now…he looked almost petite for a man. I was used to Nyfain’s size and girth. His imposing presence. Jedrek standing there was just…anticlimactic.

“No, actually. I can do better.” I walked around him, to the daggers in the next stand over. One of them caught my eye—a new weapon with a red jewel in the hilt and silver lining. It was an absolute treasure. I picked it up and hefted it, enjoying the balance and fit within my hand.

“That would suit you perfectly,” Phyl said from behind the stand, shifting his girth with his thumbs tucked in his belt loops. He was the only guy in the village who’d retained his size after the curse. It was a staple of pride that he could keep his family well fed even when everything was falling down around us. “You’d get many a kill with that one, Miss Finley.”

“Nonsense—she doesn’t need a blade.” Jedrek stopped beside me again, reaching for the dagger.

I pulled up my animal, who was happy to lend power to my fighting words. Especially since I was sending away a man who was not Nyfain.

“Back off,” I said.

Jedrek jerked ramrod straight. He staggered backward as though someone had shoved him. Phyl’s eyes widened, and he reached for his chest. When his fingers touched down, he clutched and closed his eyes.

Taking my time, I touched the blade with my thumb, testing its edge. I held it a little higher, analyzing the dagger. “This is a work of art, Phyl. You’ve really outdone yourself.”

His eyes fluttered open, and he looked at me like he’d never seen me before. He put one of those big hands on the tabletop in his stall and braced himself.

I probably shouldn’t use my animal’s power around the other villagers. Hadriel had warned me about giving off too much sparkle. I didn’t need people talking, or word would get around to the demons.

With a grimace, I set the dagger back down. Jedrek stood a few paces away, staring at me with shock and unease written clearly on his face. My animal glowed with pride.

“I…uh…” Phyl shook himself and cleared his throat. “Yes, I…uhm…” He ran his fingers through his hair. “I made a sword like that once. Let me see…” He ducked down and started rummaging through the bowels of his stall.

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