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A Throne of Ruin (Deliciously Dark Fairytales 2)

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“How did you know?”

I grabbed the books back and hefted them. “I read. I know things. Why didn’t you tell me?”

He shrugged uncomfortably. “My mother clearly kept it from me for a reason. I figured I wasn’t any good at it. I only knew what it was from the faeries. They’d planned to teach me to use it, but…”

“Not any good at it…” I huffed. “You and your lies. Is all your life one big lie?”

“It’s starting to feel that way. I honestly didn’t think it was worth mentioning. The faeries thought I had untrained talent, at best. They looked down their noses at me, only agreeing to teach me because I also brought the everlass with me.”

“Well, the singing works. Please stop singing sad songs in the queen’s garden. If you need to lament, do it in the Forbidden Wood. Or, better yet, think of happy times. That would probably help more. Good night. I hope your dick rots off.”

Okay, sure, that last bit was childish and overboard. I knew that. But he hadn’t even acknowledged what an ass he’d been yesterday, and now he was reading that book and talking about hard-ons and… I mean…who the fuck was he kidding?

My dinner was waiting for me in my room, Leala with it, ready to set it up and make sure I was taken care of before she left the key and excused herself for the night.

“Thank you, Leala,” I told her as she opened the door. “For everything. You’ve been a blessing.”

She smiled at me. “Thank you, milady, for showing up and disrupting our lives. I can’t express how much it was needed.”

I ate dinner in silence and then stared out the window for a while, unable to read. My thoughts boiled. Flares of rage and aggression pushed through the link, Nyfain out hunting, his dragon taking control. My animal crouched in her blackness, saying very little.

Why are you so quiet? I asked as I readied for bed.

I’m saving my energy. I’ve felt the change in you. You’re about ready to take your fate into your own hands instead of letting the alpha lead you around by the nose. You’re going to need me.

I thought you liked the alpha leading me around by the nose.

Sexually? Yes. Very much. But this feels like something different. I’m ready.

I gazed out the window as stars twinkled overhead. The moon was half-full, a reminder of my status. Any day now and this whole “with child” thing would be behind us. All of us.

I tucked myself into bed and set the little wind-up clock to wake me when it was time to do my job. Not my duty, not the thing that had been affixed to me without anyone asking for my opinion on the matter, but something I chose for myself. It meant more that way.

The clock chimed at three o’clock in the morning. It took a mere moment for me to become fully awake.

I ate the last of the bread and cheese from dinner, the bread heading toward stale at this point, and drank down the rest of the water. Hydration, very important.

I grabbed the clothes I’d set out before bed, Eliza having made a few garments that could conceal various weapons. These, with their pretty little flowers and a few dizzy patterns, would draw the eye away from the side of the thigh where the dagger hung. I didn’t want the demons to know that I was armed. The hunter used different tactics when he knew the prey could fight back.

The pocketknife went into my pocket, just in case. The throwing knives would have to stay home with the sword that I was utter shit with.

I listened at the door before I clicked over the lock. My animal waited near the surface, bleeding power through my bloodstream.

The dragon will know something is up, she said as I pulled open the door. Nothing waited for me.

Will he suspect what I’m up to?

He won’t. Not sure about the man.

Likely. It was early for him to return, though. He wouldn’t want to leave part of the kingdom unchecked. Which meant I’d best hurry. I really didn’t want him to play hero tonight. I was tired of feeling like someone was always looking over my shoulder, no matter how dangerously sexy he was.

A shout and a squeal drifted my way on the third-floor landing. Merriment. On the second floor, I heard singing drift up from somewhere below. A guitar strummed a clusterfuck of chords. They needed more classes.

It wasn’t until I was halfway to the back door that the unmistakable sounds of people getting it on caught my attention. Grunting and panting followed the slap of leather.

I slowed and flattened against the wall, looking both ways down the hall to make sure no one else was wandering around. I edged toward the slice of candlelight spilling out into the hallway and peeked around the corner, wanting to ensure no one was around to follow me.

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