Second-in-Command (Men of Hidden Justice 2) - Page 21

Enough was enough.

I dumped my fake basket, walked behind her, gathering up the items she had looked at wistfully as I went, and placed them in the cart.

“I like these ones.”

She gasped as she swung around, meeting my eyes. “Marcus? What are you doing here?”

I stepped closer, my voice low. “The more important question is, what the hell are you doing here? Alone?”

“Are you—are you angry?”

“Fucking right I am,” I snarled close to her ear.

“Why are you so mad? You-you left me money to go shopping.”

I barked out a dry laugh. “I left money for Sofia to go shopping and get you some more things. She got called away. If I had any indication that you’d assume it meant for you to wander the streets on your own…” I shook my head. “Where is your sense, Missy? It’s fucking dangerous for you to be on your own.”

“So, you’ve been following me?”


“Why didn’t you stop me?”

“I wanted to see where you were going.”

She blinked and looked at the cart. “I thought… I mean, it seemed odd, but the money was on the table, there was a list, a pass card…” She trailed off. “I guess they were for Sofia.”

“She left her pass card in error. She texted me.” I shook my head. “Only you would put all those things together and decide I meant for you to come out shopping on your own.”

She lifted her head, her shoulders tense, her lovely eyes spitting fire. “I can shop on my own. I’m an adult.”

I lowered my face to hers. “You can shop on your own when I say you can shop on your own.”

“You’re not—”

I cut her off, our heads so close I could feel her short breaths on my skin. My body tightened. “You want to think about what happened last time you informed me I wasn’t your boss, sweetheart? There’s a dressing room right over there I’m happy to take you to and show you exactly who is boss.”

I expected her retaliating anger, her smart comeback. Instead, the little troublemaker had the audacity to glance around me at the dressing room as if considering my offer. Her eyes darkened, and she looked mischievous. Then she focused on something behind me and slid her hands up my arms, draping them around my shoulders. She leaned up close to my ear. “People are watching, Marcus.”

With a start, I realized how tightly we were pressed together. My arm was around her waist, and I had her pulled firmly against me. Our faces were close, and we were both breathing hard. I looked in her eyes, watching as the fight drained out of her.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered.

I drew back but dropped a kiss to her forehead first. Then to draw suspicion away from our actions, I swatted her butt gently.

“Fine. You can have all the clothes. But you’re making dinner tonight,” I said, raising my voice but injecting a playful tone into it.

She played her part perfectly, leaning up and kissing my mouth fast. “Deal!”

I grabbed the handle of the cart, meeting the eyes of a man who was obviously a security guard pretending to be a shopper. I rolled my eyes. “Women,” I muttered.

He nodded with a grin and moved away.

I looked down at Missy. “What else do you need?”

“I thought you said we had to go.”

“I’m with you, so you’re safe. Take advantage of it.” I met her gaze. “You aren’t off the hook from this stunt.”

For a moment, she said nothing, then she grabbed the handle of the cart from me, no doubt to help her walk.

“Put back all that stuff and just keep what I picked out. I was going to look at some sneakers they had on sale, though. It’s hard to walk in these.” She lifted her foot, and I tried not to laugh at how tightly the sneakers Sofia had loaned her were laced. It still looked as if she had clown feet.

“Nope. All these. Plus that jacket.” I pointed to a rack. “And a few more of these.” I added more leggings, as I discovered they were called after checking the package she had in the cart. “And this.” It was a sweater she had picked up a few times and put back. It was pretty, and I wanted to see her wear it. “And you need a robe or something.”


I held up my hand. “No arguing. Not after this stunt. Once you figure out a jacket and a robe, we’ll go get you any other girlie stuff you need, then we’re heading home. I suggest you do what I say, as you will not be coming back here—not until I say so. And we’re going to have a serious talk.”

She pursed her lips but nodded.

I bit back my grin. We were about to have a heated disagreement. I could feel it, and frankly, I could hardly wait.

Tags: Melanie Moreland Men of Hidden Justice Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024