Second-in-Command (Men of Hidden Justice 2) - Page 50

Then my world became quiet and dark.

The last thing I heard was Missy crying.

I opened my eyes to an unfamiliar room. The light was dim, and a thick, medicinal smell surrounded me. I focused on the pale-green walls with recognition. I was in a hospital room—which meant I was alive.

I took stock of my body, feeling the lingering soreness in my chest and the more pronounced pain in my shoulder. My arm was in a sling, and thick bandages were encasing my shoulder. An IV was hooked into my other arm, and if I was being honest, I ached all over. I was getting too old to keep getting shot.

I turned my head, my anxiety easing as soon as I saw her. Missy was in the chair beside my bed, asleep. I studied her anxiously, my anger flaring as I saw the marks that scum had left on her. Fresh bruises were on her arms and head, and her neck was mottled with dark contusions and small cuts. I made a noise in my throat that sounded suspiciously like a growl. Part of me wanted to find out Zander was alive so I could kill him all over again—this time taking my time.

Missy sat upright, her gaze finding mine in the dim light. Her lovely eyes were red-rimmed and damp, letting me know how much she’d been crying.

“Hey, sweetheart,” I rasped out. “It’s okay.”

She stood, hovering over me. “That’s what I am supposed to say to you.”

“Sorry.” I cleared my throat. “Is there water around?”

She poured a cup and held the straw as I sipped the cool liquid gratefully. I lifted my hand, stroking her cheek. “Any chance of a mint?”

She frowned. “A mint? I don’t think I can give you that until the doctor clears you.”

“Too bad,” I grumbled. “I really want to kiss you, but I’m sure my breath—”

She cut me off, pressing her mouth to mine. Our lips moved and caressed, neither of us trying to deepen it, just needing the feel of the moment between us.

She lifted her head, and I smiled. “Thanks. I needed that.”

“Me too.”

I cupped her face again. “No more crying.”

“No more getting shot,” she replied.

“Deal.” I groaned as I moved. “Jesus, it feels like I got hit by a truck.”

“That happens when you tangle with bad men.”

I met her eyes. “Not anymore,” I said, making her a silent promise.

She nodded, holding my hand to her face.

“Leo?” I asked. “The others?”

“Everyone is okay,” she replied. At my dubious look, she smiled. “I promise. A little worse for wear, but okay.”

Julian walked in, looking relieved when he saw me awake. “Well, there he is.”

“Hey,” I greeted him, my voice still hoarse.

Missy stepped back, my hand dropping from her face. “I’ll go get the doctor.”


Julian put his hand on her shoulder. “Why don’t you go and get something to eat. The boys are already downstairs.”

He looked at me. “She hasn’t left your side.”

She glanced my way, and I nodded. “Go.”

She picked up her purse and left, her glance lingering. I smiled to reassure her, but as soon as the door shut, I turned my attention to Julian.


“He was beaten badly, but he’ll be okay.” He paused. “Eventually.”

“His wife? The baby?” I knew if anything happened to them, Leo would never recover.

“We found her tied up and frightened, but unharmed. I think that scum had other plans for later, but he never lived to see them. She’s in labor now. Leo is with her.”

“Will she be okay? The baby?”

“The doctor was sure both would be fine. Leo will heal, but I doubt he’ll return.”

I wasn’t surprised to hear that news. Julian would find him a good job elsewhere where he would be safe.

“Zander—he is dead, then?”

Julian smirked. “Between the knives in his back and neck and the bullet between his eyes? I doubt even the devil himself could resurrect him.”

“And my men?”

“All shot. All saved by the vests. Egan took two hits—one high on his shoulder, which threw him into the wall, knocking him out cold. Allen was shot, but the vest took it. He hit the desk on the way down. There was enough blood to convince the asshole to turn his attention to Damien. But, again, you interrupted his plans.” He met my eyes. “But they all survived, Marcus. Your insistence on the vests saved them. The new technology of the vests helped. I’m not sure the older ones would have worked with the bullets Zander liked to use at such close range.”

“Is that why I fucking hurt so much?”

“Yes. They had to do a lot of digging to get it out as well.”

“Great,” I grunted.

I shifted, trying to get comfortable. “The leak? Her captain?” I asked.

“Caught trying to get away. Arrested and facing a multitude of charges. I doubt he’ll see the outside of a prison again.” Julian shrugged. “Or live long enough to worry about it. Inmates don’t tolerate cops inside very well. Lots of accidents happen even if they’re kept separated.”

Tags: Melanie Moreland Men of Hidden Justice Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024