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Flying High

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“Like this?” her sweet sugary voice asks through my headset.

“Yes,” I groan as I watch her move her dark hand to the side, making the helicopter bank right. Fuck, those fingers…

I need to feel them on me.

I don’t know what’s happening to me, but in my thirty-three years on this planet, it’s never happened before.

This is insane. This is so not like me.

I’ve resisted women of all types and all ages. When I was a teenager on the swim team, when I was ripped and shredded in the Air Force, and after when I was a successful businessman who had more money than I knew what to do with. Girls always fawned over me, but I never fawned back.

They never held my interest. I just couldn’t get excited about any of them. I didn’t know why. It never made sense.

But now…

Fucking hell, it all makes perfect sense.

I was waiting for her.

For my Nia.

Everything has clicked into place.

It did the second I saw her.

Sitting in that helicopter like a bomb about to blow. One look and she exploded the life I made for myself. She detonated it to shit and shattered me to pieces.

Now there’s nothing left to do but pick up the pieces and rebuild my life around her. That’s what I want. A new life with her by my side.

Always by my side. I don’t ever want to let her go. I don’t even want her to leave my line of vision.

“Thank you,” she says as she tries to tug her hand back.

Who knew I was such a possessive fucker? I don’t want to let her go.

I finally do, not wanting to appear like an obsessive stalker (even though that’s what I am now), and I feel a tremendous sense of loss. It feels like my fucking heart is breaking.

My chest is tight and it’s getting hard to breathe. I pull my shirt, trying to loosen it as I take the joystick back with my free hand.

It’s not the same without her touch. Why do I have a feeling that nothing is ever going to be the same without her touch again?

Food will be bland, sleep will be non-existent, everything I enjoyed in the past will be meaningless if I don’t have her to share it with.

I can’t let her go back to Atlanta. I’d drive myself crazy. I wouldn’t survive.

She’s staying here with me. She has to.

If not, I’ll follow her there and buy her apartment building. I’ll kick every man out so no male eyes will be able to look at what belongs to me.

“When do you go back home?” I ask, not really wanting to know. My stomach rolls with dread as she opens those sweet succulent lips to answer.

“Four days left.”

Four days. Four days to convince her to stay on this island with me forever. Four days to make her fall in love. Four days to get her to marry me.

I’m already there. I’ve been there since the moment I first saw her sparkling brown eyes and bright smile through the windshield of this helicopter.

I’ve been waiting for her my whole life. She’s my soul mate. The one I’m meant to be with.

“A lot can happen in four days,” I say as I drag my lustful eyes up her curvy legs. She’s wearing grey shorts and a white tank top that contrasts beautifully with her dark skin.

My body tingles all over as my eyes roam over her round breasts with just a hint of cleavage on display. She’s focused on the sights outside of her window, so I’m free to gawk at her all I want.

My dick gets harder, demanding attention as my hungry eyes sweep up her slender neck and onto her adorable chin. I take my time, examining her mouth and imaging all the things I want to do to it. I wonder how she tastes, how she’ll moan when I claim it with my own, how soft her lips will feel wrapped around my shaft.

She suddenly turns and smiles shyly when she catches me checking her out.

Her cheeks darken as she blushes and the heat inside of me boils to a feverish pitch.

I have to get out of this helicopter and onto land where I can see her nice round ass and big tits jiggling with each step she takes.

She grips the door and squeezes it as I tilt the helicopter forward and start to fly faster. I should go slower and let her enjoy the view, but all I can think about is enjoying the view of her on the private beach we’re headed to.

“Oh my gosh,” she says with a gasp. “Look at that beach!”

I grin as I head for it. It’s a gorgeous little secluded beach that you can only get to by helicopter, so it’s always empty. Big rocks stop any boats from getting close and the high cliffs and acres of rainforest stop cars and anyone on foot from discovering it.

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