The Freshman (College Years 1) - Page 50

“It’s nothing. Just a hot blonde I met at the Range Rover dealership.” I try to play it off, but Hayden is so much more than that.

“In San Francisco. Yet she just so happens to go to school here. Talk about a coincidence.” Her eyes dance with mischief. “Some people call that fate.”

“I don’t believe in that bullshit.” Though if I remember correctly, Hayden actually does.

Which is surprising to me, considering how straightforward she is.

“That’s too bad. I think it’s sort of sweet. Diego says she gave you a lot of shit. And that she was pretty.”

If we were still in high school and Diego said something like that to Jocelyn? They would’ve gotten into a huge fight and Jos would’ve been jealous. They’ve come a long way. They’re a lot more pleasant to be around. I think baby Gigi gets some of the credit for that.

“All accurate observations,” I say with a nod.

Jocelyn’s expression turns pensive. “It was nice, seeing you chatting with the girls. You know at every social event, you’re almost always alone, watching everyone else have fun?”

I send her a look, but say nothing.

“It’s true. You’re an observer of life, Tony. And you make great observations, don’t get me wrong, but it’s always struck me as kind of sad, how you don’t put yourself out there more,” she explains.

I feel seen. And it also makes me feel uncomfortable.

“You always were the one to have everyone over, hosting the parties. It didn’t matter how messed up your house was. You just wanted everyone there. I always figured it was because you didn’t want to be alone. That’s why I was so glad to see you with Sophie. She brought you out of your shell. You were actually participating in your life, versus sitting back and watching it happen.”

“Jos—” I start, but she cuts me off with a look.

“Hear me out.” She rests a gentle hand on my shoulder. “You’re an amazing guy, Anthony Sorrento. But you can’t keep letting things just happen to you. You need to grab life by the balls and make it happen.”

“Are we talking about balls now?” I lift a brow, trying to lighten the mood, but Jos won’t have it.

“Just—instead of being the one who always offers advice, you need to be the one who takes it.” She gives my shoulder a squeeze. “And you need to open yourself up more. Have an adventure. You should text that pretty blonde and invite her over here. Flirt with her. See where it takes you.”

“Not everyone is going to find their greatest love at this young of an age, Jos. Hayden is probably just some girl I met one time, you know?”

“I know. But you don’t truly know unless you give it—her—a try. Put yourself out there, bro.” Now she sounds like Diego. She’s smiling, so I assume she knows this. “Have fun. Live a little.”

Another squeeze of my shoulder and then she leaps to her feet, waving at me before she goes in search of Diego.

Her words linger with me. Pound in my head. Throb in my heart. Maybe Jocelyn’s right. I’m not really living my life. I’m just letting shit happen to me. I’m an observer, she definitely got that right, but I’m more than that.


Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I look up Hayden’s number and start typing. Before I can overthink it or erase everything I just said, I hit send.

And then I wait.



You should come hang out with me.

The text comes from Tony at almost midnight. I turn my phone screen in Gracie’s direction, showing the text to her.

“Feels like a booty call,” I say.

Her expression is smug. She loves a booty-call text on the weekend. Or any day of the week. She calls them opportunities we shouldn’t pass up. “Ooh. Take him up on it. When was the last time you got laid?”

“A long time.” I roll my eyes. Stare at my phone. Contemplate sending him a response.

Tags: Monica Murphy College Years Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024