The Freshman (College Years 1) - Page 58

I frown. She baffles me, but not in a bad way. Why can’t she just say, let’s get together tomorrow, or whatever.

“You really think so?” I ask.

She opens the car door, a rush of cool air filling the steamy interior. “Oh I know so. See you around, Tony.”

I watch her go, flinching when she slams the door. Leaning my head back, I stare at the car roof, shaking my head.

How is it that I’m the one who just got a blow job, yet I feel…used?

Not in a bad way. Not at all. I just can’t figure this girl out.


Fooling around with a pretty girl in my car after being a part of a team that won an important game leaves you sitting on top of the world.

This is how I feel as I go about my Sunday. I can’t stop thinking about what happened between Hayden and I last night. To the point that I’ve pretty much forgotten about the game win. My moment with Hayden is in the forefront of my mind. Talk about hot. The entire experience leaves me wanting more.

More time with Hayden. More kissing, touching, all of it with Hayden.

What we’re doing isn’t something I’m overly familiar with. Meaning, I’m not an expert at this relationship stuff. Hooking up stuff? Yes, I’ve hooked up with a few girls since Sophie, but never one I actually wanted to continue seeing. And Sophie was never forward with me. I made all the moves, and they were unsure and a little awkward, because I had no idea what the hell I was doing.

With Hayden, it’s like a cat and mouse game. Bait and switch. Whatever. I don’t feel like I’m being tricked, but it’s actually…


The flirting. The banter. The innuendo. The kissing. The everything else. She’s a challenge. She plays hard to get, yet flaunts what she’s got right in front of me. Like she wants me to chase. And I do.

She’s a smart one, Hayden Channing. Left me sitting in my car wanting more of her. All of her. I admitted she was all I could think about before. Now?

I’m fucking obsessed.

I went home and jerked off in the shower to the memories of our encounter. Those whimpers she made when we kissed. Her taste. The sting of her teeth when she bit my lower lip. Watching her come. Watching her swallow my cock. It was hot. A moment I won’t ever forget.

Now I’m desperate to make more moments with her.

Homework calls, but I don’t want to do it, so I distract myself with laundry. The great thing about laundry is I can still think about Hayden while I do it. Homework would require all of my concentration, and I’m not feeling it.

When do I ever feel it? I’m not stupid. I get good grades. Even when I bailed on football practice, I was going to class. Jackson? He skipped plenty at first, but he’s getting better about it. I like to think I’m helping him keep on task. Caleb and I work on homework together, though I’m the one who always has to remind him to stay on top of it. I don’t know why I care so much.

Maybe it’s because they’re my friends, and I have no one else to focus on. No family. No girl.

Well, I feel like now I have a girl.

No one else is up yet in my house. Caleb is sleeping. Jackson stayed the night and is asleep in Diego’s room. The house is a mess, and once I throw my darks into the dryer, I start picking up. Tossing out beer cans and garbage. Wiping down the kitchen counters. Loading up the dishwasher.

“Aren’t you a happy homemaker this morning?”

This is how Caleb greets me. I turn to find him standing by the fridge, and he looks trashed. His eyes are bloodshot and his hair is a mess. He peeks in the fridge, makes a disgusted face as he shuts the door and goes to collapse on one of the kitchen stools behind the counter, watching me as I add detergent to the dishwasher and start it up.

“Couldn’t sleep,” I answer truthfully.

“Why not?” He scrubs his face.

Messed around with a girl. Can’t wait to do it again.

That should be my answer, but it’s not what I say out loud.

“Excited after last night?

Tags: Monica Murphy College Years Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024