The Freshman (College Years 1) - Page 71

“Sorry we’re a little late. Blame it on him.” I point at Caleb. “He was primping for his date.”

“So was she.” Hayden gestures to Gracie. “And she wasn’t getting pretty for Robin either.”

I wince. “Is his name really Robin?”

Hayden laughs, the sound melodic, stirring something within me. Everything about her stirs me up. Leaves me wanting more. “Yes, it really is. She was so pissed I told you guys. She’d never admit it, but that’s the only thing holding her back from this guy. His name.”

“Caleb grabbed onto that little fact and hasn’t let it go. He forced me to listen to the Bee Gees on the drive over here.”

“The Bee Gees aren’t bad,” she says.

“Yeah, but they’re old as hell. Like before our parents’ time,” I say. “I’m guessing Robin’s parents are super old.”

“Maybe. I don’t know. I don’t really care either.” She grabs hold of my hand, interlocking our fingers as she pulls me closer. “Look, I’m sorry you had to come tonight. I’m sure there are about a million other things you’d rather do than go to a shitty local band’s concert.”

“I don’t care, as long as I’m with you,” I say truthfully, stepping closer to her.

She squeezes my hand, her lips curved upward. “That’s an overly friendly way to feel about me.”

It doesn’t even bother me that she brings up the friend thing. She knows we’re more than that. Especially after what happened in my car. “I have overly friendly feelings about you on a daily basis,” I tell her.

“Hmm, that sounds interesting.” She leans in closer. “Maybe you’ll have to share a few of those overly friendly feelings you have for me later. Like after the concert.”

“You should come back to my place,” I suggest.

“How about you come back to my place?” she offers.

That definitely has more appeal. Less dudes. No jealous cat who might bite her. Probably cleaner. “Deal.”

We turn our focus on Gracie and Caleb, who are currently arguing. The group of girls standing in front of them in line are facing them, ogling Caleb openly. It’s actually pretty damn amusing.

Though neither Gracie nor Caleb appear amused.

“Please. Just—shut up. You say the worst things ever,” Gracie says with a sneer.

“Aw, babe. You wound me.” He rests his hands on his chest, putting on an exaggerated pained look. Bottom lip stuck out and everything. “Why you gotta be like this?”

“Why do you have to be like this?” She waves a hand at him.

“Like what?”

“Like an asshole!”

“Okay, okay.” Hayden releases her hold on me and goes to Gracie, steering her away from Caleb. “I think we need to diffuse the situation for a bit.”

“Man, she’s feisty,” Caleb says when I go to stand next to him. His gaze never strays from Gracie. “I bet she’s wild in bed.”

“Caleb.” I sigh. He sends me a questioning look. “She’s here tonight for someone else. Another guy. Not you.”

“That doesn’t deter me.”

“You told me recently you didn’t like a challenge. You want them easy.” I hate the words coming from my mouth, but I’m basically quoting Caleb’s words back to him, which doesn’t make me feel as bad.

“That’s until I met this hottie. I mean, look at her.” He whistles low, scanning Gracie from head to toe. I know this, because he makes it very obvious.

“Not interested,” I tell him, though I silently admit Gracie is gorgeous. The long brown hair threaded with gold, the long legs—she’s tall—the flashing hazel eyes that turn golden when she’s angry.

I can enjoy looking at a pretty woman. I’m not fucking dead. But Gracie does nothing for me.

Tags: Monica Murphy College Years Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024