The Freshman (College Years 1) - Page 100

Me: I’ll try and come, but I can’t bring her. We’re not that serious.


Don’t worry. I won’t embarrass you in front of her. Helena says she’s adorable.

This is so freaking crazy. How did he find out about Hayden? Though from the way he’s texting, I would say he doesn’t know my girlfriend is Hayden…

This is more like—how did Helena find out? And what the hell is she up to?

We exit the restaurant, me absently making my way to my car and Caleb walking beside me. I’m so in my head, Caleb is talking a mile a minute and I don’t pay attention to what he’s saying. All I can think about is Helena telling my dad about my girlfriend and how adorable she is. When Helena has to know what’s going on. She fucking has to. Is she coming at me as some sort of veiled threat?

“Hey.” Caleb snaps his fingers in front of my face, snapping me out of my thoughts. “Are Hayden and Gracie coming over tonight?”

“I don’t think so.” I shrug, picking up my pace when I spot my car. “I haven’t talked to Hayden about it.”

“Okay, cool. Maybe you shouldn’t. Though it’s no big deal when they’re at our place, I’m thinking tonight isn’t a good night.” Caleb is acting all nonchalant, when I know deep down, he’s got a total thing for Gracie. Not that he’d ever admit it, and even if he did, he’d claim it was purely sexual and he just wants to fuck her. And maybe that’s true.

But doubtful.

I warned him to leave her alone. Hayden informed me that Gracie is attracted to him, but trying to wean herself off toxic men. We both agreed Caleb is toxic—for Gracie. So we discourage the two of them spending time together as much as possible, without being obvious about it.

Of course, it feels like every other day they’re somehow together.

“I’ll text her when I get home,” I say absently as I unlock the doors and climb into the driver’s seat.

“You should text her now,” Caleb says. “Make sure they’re not coming over.”

He’s up to something, but I’m too preoccupied to worry about it.

“I have to call my stepmom first,” I tell him grimly, starting the car.

“The chick who wants to fuck you?” Caleb laughs. “That ought to be interesting.”

I say nothing. My father gave me her number a while ago, saying if I couldn’t get a hold of him, to try Helena since she’s always on her phone. I’m sure that was a total slam, and I sort of brushed off having her number, but now I realize it’s coming in handy.

I hide away in my room as soon as we arrive home, pulling my phone out and looking up Helena’s number. I don’t text her. I don’t want any evidence that my father could find, so I hit the call button and the phone starts ringing.

She picks up on the third ring, greeting me with a breathless hello.

“What are you doing?” I don’t beat around the bush. I want her to know I’m pissed.

“Who is this?” she asks just as sharply.

“You know who it is.” I pause for only a moment. “Why are you telling my dad I have a girlfriend and you want me to bring her home for Thanksgiving?”

“Because you do have a girlfriend, and your father deserves to know that you don’t listen to him whatsoever.” She sighs, sounding bored. “The golden child isn’t so golden after all.”

She’s confusing the hell out of me. “What are you talking about?”

“All I ever hear is how great you are. How you’re going to take over the business someday, and I’m going to have to answer to you. Who the fuck are you, anyway? Just some snot-nosed college kid who never sees his dad, but fully expects him to pay his way for everything,” she says, her voice low, like a hiss. “I’m the one who’s stood by his side for the last five years. I’m the one who helps him with everything, offers up my opinions, reads over legal paperwork, and puts up with his constant bullshit. But do I get any credit? No, I’m just the baby mama who’s only good for hosting his parties, arm candy and spreading my legs.”

Her hostility renders me silent. This is clearly a problem between her and my dad, and somehow, I’m getting dragged into it. “I never asked to be the heir to his company.”

“While I have. Countless times, but he always brushes me off. Or he flat out laughs at me. I’ve proven myself to that man time and again, and he has zero faith in my abilities. So I thought he should know who his son is fucking around with,” she says.

“How the hell do you know what I’m doing? Are you keeping tabs on me?” I can only imagine this crazy bitch hiring someone to follow me. Watch over me.

That’s fucking insane.

Tags: Monica Murphy College Years Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024