The Freshman (College Years 1) - Page 125

I chance a glance in Helena’s direction. She looks positively miserable.

I don’t feel bad for her at all.

“Great job tonight, Tony,” Helena adds, and I can tell somehow Anthony made her say that.

“Thanks,” Tony says coolly, his gaze barely meeting hers before he smiles down at me. “It’s been a good season.”

“The best season,” Anthony says. “We were hoping the two of you might have time to go to dinner with us?”

I stiffen under Tony’s arm. That sounds like absolute torture.

“Ah, yeah. I appreciate the offer, but I can’t. I need to head back to the locker room here soon,” Tony says, pulling away from me slightly as he quickly glances over his shoulder. “They’re having a party for us later, just for the team. Back at the hotel. Wish I could go to dinner with you guys though.”

He sounds so sincere, I almost believe him.

“That’s too bad. Maybe some other time. We’re leaving tomorrow,” Anthony says.

“So are we,” Tony says, smiling down at me. I love that he treats us like a package deal, even in front of his dad.

“You should come to our house and visit again,” Anthony suggests. “Spend some time with your sisters. They’re growing so fast.”

Helena smiles, but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes. I wonder if she’s unhappy with her life. If there’s anyone to blame for that, it’s only herself.

“Maybe I will, once everything calms down,” Tony says. “I’m glad you came.”

“I’m glad I came too, son,” Anthony says, his voice sincere, his eyes glowing with pride. “Thank you for the invite.”

“I didn’t think you’d be able to make it,” Tony says truthfully. “I just sent it on the off chance…”

“Of course I wanted to be here. I might not show it enough, but I care about everything you do. I love you, son.” He grabs hold of Tony and they embrace. I watch them, a tiny smile curving my lips, emotion making my chest tight. I love witnessing this. Both his mother and his father came to this game tonight. They showed up for him.

And that’s all Tony has ever wanted. Support from his parents.

My gaze goes to Helena, who’s tapping away on her phone. I step closer to her, lowering my voice. “Texting your boyfriend?”

Her head jerks up, her eyes wide. “What do you mean?” she asks, the slightest tremble in her voice.

“Hmm, I don’t know. I remember being in the bathroom at the country club that one night a few months ago. Overheard a few things you and Lauri talked about.” I shrug. Might’ve mentioned those things to Lauri too, when I spent Christmas Eve with them.

Definitely not my most memorable Christmas with Dad and Palmer, since everyone was so tense, including me. But we’ll get through this. If that means Lauri won’t be in our lives anymore eventually, I’m definitely not going to complain.

“Like what?” Helena asks warily, taking a few steps away from the men who are still quietly talking to each other. I go with her, a faint smile on my face.

I’m probably enjoying this way too much.

“Gossipy shit you should be worried about your husband hearing, that’s for sure” I say, not mincing any words. “Like how hot you are for your new stepson.”

Her gaze shifts to the men for the briefest moment before returning to mine. “That was nothing.”

“I wonder if your husband would think it’s nothing if I mentioned it to him.” I make like I’m going to walk over there and she grabs my arm, stopping me.

“I don’t like threats, Hayden,” she spits out, her eyes narrowing.

“Neither do I,” I tell her pleasantly, jerking my arm out of her loose hold. “And don’t touch me ever again.”

A cajoling smile appears on her beautiful face. Too bad all that beauty hides a black soul underneath. “It was no big deal. I was just making conversation with my friend, you know? You don’t need to tell anyone about that conversation.”

What’s funny is I haven’t told anyone. I sort of forgot about it—until Helena made her threats toward Tony. And still I never mentioned it to him.

Tags: Monica Murphy College Years Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024