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The Senior (College Years 4)

Page 55

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“Great game tonight,” James starts, but the look on Eli’s face shuts him up.

“Keep your fucking hands off her,” Eli says fiercely, his wrath aimed at the innocent guy I just hugged.

Maybe I shouldn’t have done that.

James throws his hands up in front of himself. “She hugged me first. I’m not interested.”

“Keep it that way, asshole,” my obviously jealous ex-boyfriend spits out at him.

“Eli,” I start, but he turns that glare on me, and I take a step back from the force of it, wary. He must see my wariness because his gaze softens, as does his voice.

“You got a minute?” Eli asks me, not waiting for my answer. He wraps his fingers around the crook of my elbow and guides me away from James.

“What are you doing? Our time isn’t up yet,” I tell him, wishing I could grab my phone and see how many more minutes we have left.

“I couldn’t take it anymore,” he says through tight lips, not smiling or acknowledging anyone as we pass by the party goers. Everyone is watching us, which is kind of awkward, so all I can do is smile and wave at the few people I actually do know.

Like my friends who are currently watching us with shock all over their faces.

“Couldn’t take what?” I ask.

“Watching you with that asshole,” he grits out.

“You’re the one who talked to someone else first,” I so kindly point out like the mature, responsible adult that I am.

“She called me over. I know her. We have classes together,” he says irritably.

I tamp down the jealousy rising within me. “I know James too.”

“James.” Eli makes a disgusted face, as if the guy’s name completely offends him. “How do you know that prick?”

“I went to high school with him. He’s a year younger than me.”

“Going for babies now, huh? That’s just great, Ava.”

I jerk my arm out of his hold, suddenly infuriated. “Don’t you dare insult me when you’re hanging out with groupies, knowing they’d all die for the chance to hook up with you.”

He smiles, the asshole, and if I could smack that smug look off his face, I so would.

“You’re right. They’re all dying for a piece of me.” He leans in close, his nose almost touching mine. “Except for you. You could give two shits about me.”

We glare at each other while standing in front of the door, and I swallow hard. I could walk out of thi

s house right now and never have to deal with him again.

“You’re wrong,” I whisper harshly. “I’m still in love with you, and that’s my problem. You’re the one who wanted to pretend we’re interested in other people in the first place. This weird, go flirt with other guys for forty-five minutes thing that makes no sense. You make no sense, Eli. Why didn’t we just leave together after the bathroom? Why did you want to do this? Were you testing me? Is that it?”

Without thought, I place both of my hands on his chest and give him a shove. Of course, he doesn’t move a muscle. He’s as solid as a tree and that infuriates me even further. Worse, he doesn’t speak. He only stares at me like I’ve lost my mind.

Well, maybe I have.

“I’m sick of the back and forth. If you still want me, Eli Bennett—” I take a step closer to him and poke him in the chest with my index finger, “fucking prove it.”



I feel like a dick. A jealous, enraged, out-of-control asshole. I had her right where I wanted her. In my arms, in the bathroom, her body pressed to mine. She would’ve left with me right then, no questions asked.

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