The Senior (College Years 4) - Page 72

In other words, they’re not big fans of us partying during the football season, and I get it. I’ve seen more than one guy on the team stumble and eventually get kicked off the team or they drop out because partying has consumed them completely. I like to party, but I’m not about to let alcohol control my life.

I’ve witnessed too much of that thanks to my mother.

“You won’t,” Jackson says, because he has all the faith in me that I wish I had in myself. “I want you to see this place. It’s fucking awesome. I’m thinking about buying it.”

“Is it for sale?”

“I don’t know, but I bet for the right price, I could make it mine. Ellie loves it. It’s close to where her parents live, and it’s been completely remodeled. Sits right on the lake. The view is spectacular. With a huge wraparound deck. We’ve already fucked around out here.” He chuckles.

“No details, please.” I sound like a damn prude, but shit. I don’t want to hear about his great sex life with Ellie.

Jackson sighs, sounding put out. “Just—get your ass out here when you can, okay? The sooner, the better. I know you don’t have class tomorrow.”

“I’ve got practice.”

“Friday practices aren’t as intense. Coach doesn’t want to overwork you all,” he reminds me. A little detail he knows because, hell, he used to be on the team.

“Come up when you can. I miss you, bro. We can shoot the shit for a while before the party starts. It’ll be like old times,” he says, his tone smooth. Like he’s trying to charm me or something.

“Where will Ellie be?”

“I set her up with a spa visit, but she doesn’t know about it yet. Girl thinks she’s going to decorate the house tomorrow for the party.” He laughs. “I hired someone to come and set it all up. It’s going to be fucking spooky as shit. Can’t wait.”

“Sounds like you’re sparing no expense.” And just for a Halloween party.

“Anything to make my girl happy,” he says. “She really wanted to have a party with our friends. So here I am, blowing a bunch of cash on a party for you assholes, who won’t even appreciate it.”

We both laugh. “You’re so pussy-whipped, Rivers.”

“Yeah, you don’t hear me complaining though, do you?” He doesn’t wait for me to reply. “I’m going to marry that girl. Just you watch.”

I’ve barely ended the call when there’s a knock on my door. Caleb doesn’t wait for me to say come in or fuck off. He just opens the door and barges in, his expression full of…


“I’m sorry,” he says, without hesitating for even a second. “I feel like a dick for what I said to you a few days ago and it’s been hanging over me ever since. I just talked to Gracie about it, and she told me I should apologize.”

“So you’re apologizing because your girlfriend said you should?” I’m not letting him off the hook so easily. We’ve been there for each other the last three years. I’ve gotten into it with him a few times, but he feels like a brother to me. And brothers fight sometimes. Ryan and I used to all the damn time when we were kids.

“Nah. I’ve wanted to, but you’ve been icing me out ever since it happened.” He looks butt-hurt, when he’s the one who said all that shitty stuff.

“I accept your apology,” I tell him, watching as his shoulders sag with relief. “It felt like you were taking Ava’s side. And that you weren’t taking my pain seriously.”

He steps farther into the room, settling in the chair at my desk. “You sound really dramatic right now. It’s taking everything inside of me not to make some crack about your so-called pain, but I’m restraining myself.”

“Gee, thanks.” I grab one of my pillows and toss it at him, nailing him right in the face. “Asshole.”

“I know you’re hurting,” he continues. “And I’m here for you, bro. But don’t make me turn on Ava. I can’t take sides. I love you both.”

I suppose I could make a crack about him using the word love in reference to me, but I do him the same favor he did for me and I refrain from making a joke of it. “You going to Jackson’s party tomorrow?”

His face breaks out in a smile. “I wouldn’t miss it.”

“Let’s go together? Or are you going with Gracie?” I do my best not to make a face.

“You know, they’re all going up early to get ready with Ellie. I guess the place they’re staying at is like a palace,” Caleb says. “So yeah, I’ll go with you. You wearing a costume?”

I finally give in and make a face. “No way.”

Tags: Monica Murphy College Years Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024