The Senior (College Years 4) - Page 77

Oh, I totally remember him. They got into a fight at one point, pretty soon after Eli and I got together. Something to do with Brenden’s girlfriend at the time, if I’m remembering correctly.

“Guess Jackson ran into him somewhere a few days ago and invited him to the party. I’m glad he showed up,” Ellie says, her gaze sliding to mine. “Keeps Eli occupied since he wants to catch up with an old friend.”

“Better he stay involved in conversation with his friends than flirting with other girls.” I raise my brows.

“You said it, not me,” Ellie says with a faint smile.

Despite Ellie’s advice—and her constant chatter in trying to distract me—I can’t stop watching them. We keep snacking on chips, Ellie telling me some story I’m barely paying attention to because I’m too distracted, staring at Eli’s profile. His strong jaw, the light scruff I see there, even from this distance, which means it’s not so light after all. The way the side of his mouth ticks up, every once in a while, as if he’s smiling or laughing about something. How animated he is when he talks to his friends. His hands everyw

here, his expressions exaggerated. I can only guess what sort of boastful story he’s telling, but Jackson and Brenden are both laughing, getting into it and adding to Eli’s tale.

My heart pangs. They’re having fun, and I’m glad to see it. Even though I’m miserable. Despite my best friend’s efforts and her sweet words. Even with everyone else rallying around me trying to pump me up and remind me of my worth, I’m still miserable.

I want him. No one else. Just him.

“Ooh, someone just left behind one of the blankets,” Ellie says as she rises to her feet. “I’m going to go grab it so we can share it.”

“Okay,” I say absently, watching as she walks in the opposite direction of where Eli and Jackson are sitting.

I wait a few minutes, my gaze still glued to Eli, and without thought, I stand, making my way over to the couch, the sound of their voices getting clearer the closer I get.

“…and then you fucking hit me. Remember that?” Eli asks Brenden.

I pause, holding my breath as I wait for Brenden’s response. I mean, Eli doesn’t sound mad but, I don’t know.

Maybe he is?

Brenden throws back his head and laughs. Jackson and Eli do too. “I can’t believe I did that,” Brenden says, shaking his head. “I don’t even know where I got the balls to punch you. What the hell was my problem?”

“You were pissed off, that’s why,” Jackson adds.

“Well, I sure as hell wouldn’t do it now,” Brenden says once his laughter has calmed some. “You’re a big motherfucker, Eli. It’s kind of scary.”

Jackson laughs, glancing around the deck, his gaze snagging on me. He does a double take, his smile falling a little, and Eli notices.

Glances over his shoulder.

And spots me.



Come the fuck on. I was having a great night. Laughing with my boys, catching up on old times and forgetting about my bullshit problems. And now Ava’s standing behind us, looking cute as hell—and sad as hell too, can’t lie—and probably wanting to start some shit.

I’m not in the mood for it.

“Gimme a minute,” I tell the guys, before I get off the couch and head over to where Ava is standing. I can hear someone call her name—Ellie, who sends me a glare that would probably slay me dead if her eyes were actual weapons—but Ava completely ignores her.

Her eyes are on me. Only for me.

“I don’t want to fight—” I start, but she cuts me off.

“Me either,” she says hurriedly, taking a step forward.

My gaze drops to her chest. That tank top stretches tight across her tits and they are plumped up more than normal. Frustration ripples through me.

I don’t want all the assholes here looking at her tits.

Tags: Monica Murphy College Years Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024