The Senior (College Years 4) - Page 129

“No, I think you two are just trying to figure your crap out, and it’s not easy.” I love that my best friend never judges me.

I always feel like I have her support, no matter what.

Taking a deep breath, I say, “I have something to tell you.”

“You and Eli are officially back together?” she asks, her tone hopeful.

“Eli and I…are having a baby.”

There is dead silence for only a moment before Ellie screams.

Full-on screams, making me wince.

Making me burst into tears.

“Ava! Why are you crying? This is the best news EVER!” She is yelling, she’s so excited. “Oh my God, I can’t believe it! This is so exciting!”

“I know,” I tell her, the tears flowing nonstop. I swear between the breakup and the pregnancy discovery, I’ve been an emotional, crying mess. “I just went to the OB/GYN.”

“And they confirmed it?”

I nod. “I’m due late July.”

“Wow. Oh my God. You’re going to be a mom.” Ellie can’t stop smiling, but her smile slowly fades when she realizes I’m still crying. “Are you sad about this?”

“Sometimes I don’t know how to feel,” I admit, wiping at my face. “I’m only twenty.”

“Wasn’t your mom twenty when she had Autumn?”

A watery laugh escapes me. “You sound like Eli.”

“What does he think?”

“He’s beyond excited. Can’t stop calling himself daddy.” A sob escapes me and I shake my head. “I don’t know why I’m so emotional.”

“Where are you right now? You’re breaking my heart. We need to see each other so I can hug you.”

“Want to meet for lunch?”

“I’m up at the lake. Jackson rented that house again, the same one we had at Halloween.” She leans in close, her voice lowering. “I think he wants to buy it. Might be my Christmas present. Can you imagine?”

I’m so happy for her, but also a little sad and envious, because what the hell? Her boyfriend is buying her a house? Just for fun as a Christmas present? While I’m over here knocked up and unwed? Thanks to my on-again, off-again boyfriend?

Okay fine, we’re on-again and I don’t think Eli is going to do anything to mess this up again, but still. I guess I’m just feeling sorry for myself.

“That’s great,” I say, when I realize she’s waiting for me to say something. “And just come by Eli’s apartment. We can hang out there.”

“What about you come up to your parents’ house? They know, right?” When I frown, so does she. “Or don’t they?”

“I haven’t told them yet.”

“Why not?”

I shrug. “I’m scared,” I whisper.

“Oh Ava.”

“What if they’re disappointed in me? They don’t even know that Eli and I are back together again. I fainted at Thanksgiving, and that’s when Autumn stepped in and bought me three pregnancy tests. They all came back positive.”

Tags: Monica Murphy College Years Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024