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Renegade Path

Page 109

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“Hmm.” I turned and stared at myself in the mirror. “Well, I like it.”

I caught him rolling his eyes in the mirror. “My idea of dressing up is a freshly laundered T-shirt, clean jeans and shitkickers. So, I’m not sure why you care what I think.”

“Of course I care what you think.”

“Juliet.” He leaned closer and rested his chin on my bare shoulder. Light scruff tickled against my skin. “I think you’re stunning.” He dropped his gaze. “I think if I catch anyone staring at your cleavage today, I’m going to gouge out their eyeballs.”

“So violent,” I muttered.

“You have no idea.”

I wiggled my shoulders, testing the strength of the dress and new bra to keep everything in place. “I’m going to stuff a wrap in my bag. Just in case.”

“What do you want me to wear?” he asked.

“It’s going to be hot and the ceremony is outdoors.” I glanced out the window. The sun was already beating down something fierce. “So jeans and shitkickers might not feel great.” I walked over to the dresser and pulled out one of the bottom drawers. “I wasn’t sure if you’d be getting out…or when you might…but I was hopeful. I ordered some summer clothes for you.” My voice caught and I paused to clear my throat. “I hope everything fits.” I reached out and tickled my fingers over his ribs. “You, um, bulked up a bit, while you were…away.”

He grabbed my hand and pulled it up, dragging his lips over my knuckles. “You did that for me? Even though I…even though I might not be coming back?”

“I wanted you home with me. So…I tried to plan for things as if you were coming home.”

“Juliet.” He wrapped his arms around me, crushing me to his chest. “Thank you.”

“Don’t thank me, yet. It’s just some shorts and—”

“It doesn’t matter. You always believe in me. Even when I don’t believe in myself.”

I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tight. “And I always will.”


A few hours later, I found myself cooking in the bleachers of my former high school’s football field while waiting for Juliet to walk the stage and collect her diploma. As hot as it was, the sun felt good on my vitamin-D-deficient skin.

“Jesus,” Dex groaned and wiped sweat from his brow. “They couldn’t have offered the families some seats in the shade?”

I searched through the bag of “supplies” Juliet packed before we left the house. My fingers grazed a slippery tube and I pulled it out, handing it to Dex. “SPF 50 should help, Casper.”

One corner of his mouth lifted in an amused smirk and he snatched the tube out of my hand. “What else you got in your purse, Vapor?” He tapped Juliet’s quilted tote bag with the toe of his boot.

I yanked the handles apart and peered inside. “Besides the sunscreen? Juliet packed water bottles, granola bars, an umbrella, bug spray, wet wipes, deodorant, lip balm, toothbrush, Tylenol, uh, some hair ties and a brush—”

He rubbed his hand over the top of my head. “Can’t let your pretty locks get ruffled, huh?”

“Har, har. That stuff’s for her, obviously.” I lifted my chin. “She was worried about the cap messing up her hair.”

“You two are already like an old married couple.”

I shrugged but inside I was pleased with his observation. “There’s an extra pair of shoes in here too.” I pulled out one glittering purple sandal. “If you wanna change out of those stinky boots later.”

He barked out a laugh and elbowed me in the ribs. “Gimmie one of those granola bars, smart-ass.”

While he tore into the snack, I scanned the field. Way toward the back, a row of graduates emerged and lined up, then marched toward the lawn. I craned my neck, searching for Juliet in the sea of black gowns.

“There she is.” I nudged Dex.

Juliet scanned the bleachers and I waved to capture her attention. Her gaze finally landed on us and she beamed the brightest smile. Dex was busy taking photos. Thank fuck one of us remembered. At one of the middle rows, Juliet stopped and let a few of her classmates go ahead of her, waiting for Vienna. They giggled and hugged before taking seats next to each other.

“They swap spots?” Dex asked me.

“So they could sit together, yeah.”

He chuckled and snapped a few more pics.


I turned and grinned at Pip who stood in the aisle, nervously shifting from foot to foot and biting his lip. “What’re you doing here?”

“They let us come to the ceremony to see the older kids.” He flailed his arms toward the field. “But I snuck away to look for you.”

Guilt washed over me. I should’ve asked Juliet about Pip.

I stood to make room for him to pass but he flung himself against me, hugging tight. Damn, the kid practically cleared my chin now.

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