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A Devilish Christmas (The Marchesi Family)

Page 13

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I huffed. “I love Christmas, so of course we’ll be there, but in two weeks it will be—”

“One week, then if I need you, you’ll come back.”

“You could use a vacation, Luce. Why don’t you whisk Peter away and—”

“Not with you gone too.”

I sighed. “Fine. A week at least.”

“Where are you taking him?”

“I rented a cabin in Christmastown, Vermont. It’s just like a Hallmark movie.”

“Right, because you’re so like the characters from one.”

“Who says mobsters can’t find love at Christmas?”

“You’ve already found love. How often are you going to leave the cabin anyway?”

“I have lots of holiday things planned for us to do. There are sleigh rides and a craft fair and caroling and—”

Lucien held up his hand. “I don’t need to hear anymore. Is Joe as excited about all this as you are?”


“Devil. Tell me you’re not forcing him to do this just because you’ve got this insane Christmas obsession.”

“No. He likes snow, like real snow, not the dirty, pushed to the side of the road, city snow. The one foster family who really cared for him had a cabin in New Hampshire, and playing in the snow there is one of the few good childhood memories he has. That’s why I chose this place.”

Lucien studied me.

“It’s true.”

“And few people know it, but you actually are romantic enough to do that for him, but you’re up to something else. I can tell.”

“Joe keeps insisting he can’t take time off.”

“He’s trying to track down an escaped serial killer. That’s fairly important.”

“Yeah, but there’s no telling when the search will end, and I don’t want to put this off, so I’m picking him up today and taking him to the cabin.”

“You’re kidnapping him?”

“That’s one way to put it.”

Lucien gave a put-upon sigh.

“Like you wouldn’t do the same if you thought it was for Peter’s own good.”

“Is it for Joe’s own good, though? Or would it be better for him to get rid of this fucker who killed multiple children?”

“He’s too obsessed with it, and he’s not the only one searching. I’ve asked Niall and Marco to work on it while he’s gone. He needs this time away. With me.”

“Let’s hope he agrees.”

“Trust me, once I get him there, he’s going to be very happy.”

Lucien rolled his eyes. “Call me if you have any trouble.”

“What kind of trouble would we have?”

“You and Joe in a town full of starry-eyed, Christmas-loving, wholesome people? I can’t imagine how that would cause trouble.”

“We’re not—”

“Devil, when do you not get into trouble?”

“You said Joe—”

“He makes it better, but he’s hardly made you avoid trouble. You both love danger far too much for that.”

He wasn’t wrong, but I flipped him off anyway.

“You taking off too?” Angelo asked as he walked into the office.

I smirked. “I am but not with you. I’m leaving for my honeymoon.”

“What? I just talked to Joe a few hours ago, and he didn’t say anything about it.”

“That’s because it’s a surprise.”

Angelo’s eyes widened. “You’re kidnapping him?”

“I’m surprising him with an awesome trip I know he’ll love.”

“So that’s a yes, then.”

I really needed some time away from my cousins. “He thinks he shouldn’t go away until he’s done with this case.

“But you know best?” Angelo raised his brows.

“I know what Joe needs.”

“I guess you must, or he wouldn’t have married you, though I still think he’s fucking crazy.”

“Why is everyone like this today?”

“I hope you have a great time, and I hope it works out like you want it to. Maybe we all wish we were about to be alone with our men.”

“You could always propose, you know? Get a ring on the way home, then lay Cam out on the den floor under the Christmas tree and—”

“Get out of here.” Lucien pointed to the door. “Both of you.”

I winked at Angelo as we headed for the elevator. “Just know if you decide to elope, I’m there for you.”

Angelo pulled me into a one-armed hug. “Thanks. Take care of yourself and Joe.”

I frowned at him. “You said that like you think we’ll be in danger.”

“The man Joe is after… something about him unsettles me.”

I nodded. “He’s a scary-ass motherfucker, but so am I.”

I stopped by our house before going to find Joe. I needed to trade my motorcycle for a four-wheel-drive vehicle and pick up the bags I’d packed for both of us—including an entire suitcase full of Christmas decorations—after Joe had left this morning. I texted Joe, asking him where he was.

Joe: Staking out the house this asshole’s brother owns.

Me: Be careful.

After a few minutes of searching, I found the address, put it into my GPS, and started driving.



I reached into my bag of chips, but it was empty. How had I eaten them all so fast? I’d stopped by a gas station before settling into place for my stakeout, but obviously I hadn’t gotten enough snacks.

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