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A Devilish Christmas (The Marchesi Family)

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“Don’t worry about me, baby. We’re going to find this bastard, and we’re going to do it fast, then we’re going to spend the rest of our time here enjoying each other.”

“How can I not worry? I don’t want you in danger. Maybe you should go back to—”

“If you think for one fucking second I’m leaving you here with this psycho coming after you, you’re as crazy as he is. Back in town you had Vigilance, and you had my family… assuming you ever intended to tell us.”

“I would have eventually.”

He raised his brows.

“I told you when I had to.”

“If you see him again or even suspect you feel him watching you, you tell me immediately. Do you understand?”

I nodded. “Yes.”

“Yes, what?”

“Don’t push it.”

He smiled. “We should probably call in reinforcements.”

“No. If Donaldson thinks we’re calling in help, he’ll run again. He wants revenge on me, and he thinks this is his chance, but we probably should go back to the cabin.”

Devil shook his head. “No way. I’ve booked us a sleigh ride for this afternoon.”

Did he really intend to go on with our honeymoon like nothing was wrong? “If he’s looking for me in town—”

“If he just wanted to kill you and he didn’t care who saw him, he would’ve come at you in the café or even easier, he would have shot you last night at the cabin.”

I had to agree. Based on everything I knew about Donaldson, he was going to turn this into a game. He wanted me scared, and he wouldn’t take me out here. He’d wait until I was alone.

“We’re going to enjoy our afternoon,” Devil insisted. “I want you to relax and trust me to take care of you like you should have from the moment Donaldson escaped.”

“So you’re not going to call your people in?” Devil was too high-handed for me to assume he wouldn’t do so behind my back.

“Not yet.”

“I don’t want anyone else involved. They’ll be in too much danger. You know what this man is capable of.”

“I also know what he’s not capable of.”

“What’s that?”

“Ruining our time together. Right now, what you need is someone to wrap you up in a blanket while you sit in a sleigh and take in the beauty of the snow.”

Why had I kept this from Devil for so long? “You really are something else.”

“I know.”

We walked a few more blocks to a large, snow-covered field where a sign indicated sleigh rides were offered. I saw a lineup of at least six sleighs of different sizes.

“We’ll head into the woods over there.” Devil gestured toward a large trellis that was covered in holly. “And over here”—he encouraged me to turn toward an array of booths along the edge of the field—“we can get coffee, hot chocolate, or cider and cookies for the ride.” He was practically jumping up and down with excitement.

“You really do love all this holiday shit, don’t you?”

“You’re going to love it too.” He pulled his Santa hat from his pocket and put it back on.

I rolled my eyes, but he took my hand, and I knew he was right. Even if a sleigh ride wasn’t something I would’ve chosen for myself—I’d always found horses a little bit suspect—seeing him so happy and relaxed always made me feel good too.

“Do you want a drink for the ride?”

“Yes, and a cookie.” I was regretting not having gotten a piece of the chocolate pie.

Devil grinned as he glanced at his phone. “Come on. We’ve got plenty of time.”

As we waited in line for drinks and cookies, I looked at the other booths. There was one where an older couple was selling wooden ornaments, one where you could purchase whole pies and cakes, and one with wreaths made from pine boughs and pine cones. The only person at the wreath booth was a young girl who didn’t look much older than thirteen. She had no hat or gloves, and her coat was much too thin. Maybe, as a teen, she was too cool for winter clothes, but I didn’t think that was it, and I couldn’t help wondering who she was.

Once we had cups of cocoa and decorated sugar cookies, we headed to our sleigh. Devil had reserved a small one so we’d be the only occupants. He insisted I climb up first. Once I’d settled myself on the bench seat, he climbed up beside me and pulled a thick plaid blanket over our legs and wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

Devil had never held back his affection. Sure, we were less likely to be bullied than most men who dared to show their love for each other in public since Devil was big and scary as hell and I was more than capable of defending myself, but it still gave me a warm feeling inside to know he wanted to claim me no matter who was looking.

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