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The Ruckus

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I was warm and safe. I was happier than I’d been in a long, long time. Ever.

I wanted to memorize everything about the moment. I wanted to remember it forever, so I could always look back on this crazy, bizarre, magical weekend and remind myself of this exact feeling.

But I couldn’t seem to keep my eyes open, no matter how hard I tried.

“Sleep now,” Micah whispered, planting a kiss on the back of my neck.

“We’re not going anywhere,” Axel added as if he read my thoughts. “We’re gonna hold you like this for as long as you want.”

God, if only it were true. If only this could last. Maybe it would be okay to let myself pretend for a little longer. I shouldn’t get my hopes up, but maybe... maybe I could dream about the three of us together.

If my memories and dreams were all I could take with me back to L.A., I was determined to savor all of them. Every second. Every thought. Every touch and feeling.

At least until we woke up again.

Chapter Twelve

Jasmine Bailey

I was halfway between dreaming and waking up, conscious enough to realize I was in bed with my guys but still greedy enough to keep holding onto that sweet dream for as long as possible.

If it hadn’t been for the muffled groan behind me and the sudden shift of weight on the bed, I probably would have kept my eyes closed for another few hours.

When I opened my eyes to protest about all the noise and movement because I didn’t want to wake up and tell them they should both stay in bed all day with me, it took a moment for my brain to register what I saw happening.

Axel was still lying on the bed in front of me, but his arms weren’t wrapped tightly around my body anymore. Instead, he lay sprawled on his back, with blood smeared across his face and a busted lip. His cheek was swelling with an ugly, yellowish bruise.

A strangled cry caught in my throat as I sat up and reached for him. “Axel! Oh my God, what—”

But the words died on my tongue as the bed shifted again, and I heard a low, raspy voice that didn’t belong to either of my guys.

“Looks like our little princess is finally awake.” The stranger’s laugh sent a cold chill through my entire body. “Just in time to see me finish off her idiot boyfriends.”

“Jasmine!” Micah’s voice rang out through the warehouse as I turned to see someone drag him off the bed. “You motherfucker! I’ll fucking kill—”

I screamed as the man punched him, cutting off his words and knocking the air from his lungs. Again and again, the larger man’s fists rained down on Micah’s face and chest and stomach, pinning him to the floor.

“You talk so tough,” the man grunted as Micah’s body went completely still. “But you aren’t so strong without your friend there to protect you, are you?”

I screamed again as the man’s foot connected with Micah’s ribs. The sickening heavy thud would have made me gag if I hadn’t been so terrified.

Everything had happened so quickly that I’d barely had time to scream out Micah’s name, let alone try to help him. That kick to the ribs had snapped me out of the daze I’d been in.

I was at such a huge disadvantage, but I launched myself at the man, only belatedly recognizing him as someone from my past.

Someone we had all known.

“Randy! You asshole!” I tried to yell, the words breaking as his elbow caught me in the chest. My fist connected with the side of his head as my entire upper body exploded in pain. “No... no.”

“Stupid bitch,” he snarled, raising his hand as I staggered back. “You’re gonna pay for that.”

I tried to dodge, but he was too quick for me. And with the wind already knocked out of me, I didn’t stand a chance. He backhanded me, sending another burst of pain radiating out from my cheek until it felt like the whole side of my head was on fire.

I was falling. I tried to catch myself, but my legs weren’t working, and the last bit of air left my lungs in a gurgling groan. He towered over me, and I saw his mouth curl up into a cruel, cold smile. “Yeah, you’re gonna pay,” he said, his smile growing even wider. “And I’m going to enjoy every minute of it.”

“Fuck you.” My voice was just a hoarse whisper, but I wanted him to know that I wasn’t going to give up willingly. I tried to put my hands up, tried with the last of my strength to keep him away.

He sneered as he reached down, and I felt his big, rough hand jerk me by the arm. My eyes were still open, but as I stared up at him, darkness closed in all around me until, mercifully, my whole world went dark.

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