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The Ruckus

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If only there was a way for the three of us to be together as easily as this but permanently. Life didn’t work that way. I could have the life I’d built for myself in L.A. or the life in Georgia that I hadn’t even known was possible until a few days ago—but not both.

And I wasn’t sure how I was ever going to decide to give up one or the other.

Chapter Twenty One

Jasmine Bailey

The three of us stayed in bed for more than an hour, just lying there naked in each other’s arms. After the amazing sex, it was one of the most perfect experiences in living memory.

No cares.

No worries.

Nobody trying to kill us.

No pressure from anything outside the four walls around us.

“Will you stay with us?” Axel traced my collarbone with the tip of his finger. “After the wedding? After everything? Just... stay?”

Okay, so there was still a little pressure. And God, I really, really wanted to say yes. But...

“I wish it were that easy.” It wasn’t what either of them wanted to hear, and I didn’t want to say it either, but it was the truth.

Axel nodded, but Micah spoke up next. “What can we do to convince you that it’s a good idea? Because I honestly think it could work out really well between the three of us.”

“I think so, too.” Axel smiled as he leaned over to kiss my forehead. “Just saying.”

I had to smile, too. My guys were nothing if not persistent. A few days ago, they’d had to follow after me and convince me to speak with them at all. Now I was seriously considering the three of us. Together.

And I liked the idea. I loved it, if I was being completely honest with myself. Loving the idea wasn’t enough. The obstacles that stood in our way were real—the same ones that had been there all along, every time any hint of this conversation had come up over the past few days.

I took a deep breath. “Okay, so even if we put the logistics of living here and working in L.A. aside,” I turned my attention to Axel, “there’s still the question of how your family—especially your mom—will react to the news that we’re together.”

“She’ll come around,” he said as if it was already a foregone conclusion. “She’ll have to, eventually.”

“What if she doesn’t, though?” I asked. “Or what if it damages your relationship with her? What if she does come around like you say she will, but it takes her a few years to do it? Are you prepared to go without seeing your family for however long it takes?”

I hated being so blunt or even putting those ideas out into the universe, but we had to be realistic. We had to consider every scenario. I knew first-hand how hard it was to stay away from family because of old grudges and shitty communication. I wouldn’t have wished that experience on anyone—least of all my guys.

He stayed silent for several long seconds. “I’ll always fight for us,” he said, finally. “Always. Every day if I have to. And I don’t care who understands or who doesn’t. I hope my mom will give us her blessing, but I don’t need her approval. I’m an independent man with my own life.”

I didn’t doubt him. Not even a little. He was strong and stubborn and amazing like that. They both were. They’d convinced me that this whole thing might work, after all.

Still, it always came back to that question of practicalities. What was the mature, responsible, realistic thing to do?

I was pretty sure we all knew the answer. We just didn’t want to put it into words.

“I don’t want you to have to choose,” I said. “It wouldn’t be fair to you, or to me, or even to your family. But I also don’t want to give you up.” I turned to Micah. “Not either of you.”

Micah looked thoughtful for a moment. He quirked a brow as he raised himself up on his elbow to look at me and Axel at the same time. “Why don’t we take a little trip to your parents’ place, Axel. Let’s get this cleared up today.”

Axel’s eyes went wide. “Today? Right now?”

“If you’re up for it,” Micah shrugged. “Don’t you want to get past all of this? This stupid feud that’s already been going on for way too long?”

“Of course I want to get past it.” Axel took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. “But... what if my mom can’t get past it? What happens if she digs her heels in?” He turned to me. “You say you don’t want me to choose, but what if I have to? I already know the choice I’d make, but I don’t want you to feel bad or guilty or like it’s somehow your fault.”

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