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The Ruckus

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“You’re right,” I conceded. “It is a long way.” I looked at each of my guys and smiled. “I’ll have to go back and get things organized, but I plan on living here full time and only flying out to California when I have to for work.”

Axel and Micah both lit up with identical excited expressions. “Are you sure?” Axel asked.

“You’re seriously going to stay?” Micah followed up.

“I am,” I answered both questions at once. “I’ll figure out how to make it work. We all will. But I know for sure I want to be where the two of you are. Always.”

“We’ll find a way to make it happen,” Axel said.

“That’s right,” Micah nodded. “We’ll find a way together.”

The three of us.


I never would have imagined it, but everything turned around so quickly until I couldn’t imagine living without them in my life. As long as I had them both by my side, I knew everything else would be okay.

No, not just okay.

Everything was going to be perfect.



It was hard to believe it had already been six months since the storm of the century changed all of our lives.

What most people rightly would have considered a disaster ended up being the best thing that ever happened to Muriel, Poppy, and me.

We had each found love in what we would have thought was the most unlikely place—home.

The past months had been a whirlwind of flights to and from Los Angeles as we all sorted out our new living and working arrangements. It had been so hectic that the weekend premiere of Axel and Micah’s movie at the theater in downtown Covington might have been the first time Poppy, Muriel, and I had all been together in the same town at the same time since the storm.

My guys had even arranged for a red carpet and had invited the local press as well as a few bigger news stations and movie reviewers from Atlanta for the premiere of their low-budget indie film. The purpose was to create a buzz, get noticed, and find investors to raise finances so they could make the full-length feature they dreamed of.

“Look at the turnout,” I beamed as we caught sight of the theater from the back seat of the limo we’d hired for the occasion. They were still in scrimping and saving and fundraising mode, but they’d managed to negotiate some great deals for favors. In other words, the limo company had an ad made for the movie theater screening.

“I’m so proud of both of you. Y’all have worked your asses off, and I’m so excited that you get to share this night with the whole town.”

“You’ve worked your ass off right along with us, baby,” Axel grinned, kissing my hand as we pulled up to the red carpet.

“And now we’re the proud ones who get to walk the most beautiful woman in the world down the red carpet,” Micah added, giving me another quick kiss before we started climbing out of the car.

“I love both of you so much,” I said, fighting back the happy tears that were threatening to smear my mascara. “Working on this movie with the two of you didn’t seem like work at all. I’ve loved every minute of it.”

Axel laughed. “It’s funny, because Micah and I were saying the exact same thing about you earlier when we were getting dressed.”

I gave them each one last quick kiss as the limo door opened to let us out, then we all smiled and waved our way down the red carpet together. It was our first public outing as a throuple—well, aside from a few trips to the grocery store over the past couple of months—and it felt amazing.

It felt right.

Poppy and Muriel were inside the lobby waiting with their guys to give us another round of hugs, kisses, and congratulations once we’d finished walking the red carpet.

“Y’all looked so good out there,” Muriel all but squealed as she hugged me tightly. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you look so happy, Jas.”

“Because I’ve never been this happy before,” I answered truthfully as Poppy joined in on the hug. “And by the way, you two also look amazing.” I turned to Poppy. “Who knew being in a relationship would make your skin actually glow?”

Poppy blushed and nibbled at her lip. “That’s, um... not the only reason why I’m glowing.”

It took a moment for her words to sink in. When they did, I gasped and looked to Muriel to see if she’d heard the same thing I had. “Do you mean... are you serious? You’re...”

“Yes,” Poppy whispered with wide eyes and a nod. “Don’t say anything tonight, though. Cooper and Nolan and I will make an announcement sometime soon, but tonight is all about you and your guys.”

“Oh my God, Poppy!” I whisper-shouted because I couldn’t hold it in. “I’m so excited for you! Muriel and I are going to spoil your baby so much. I’m not even joking. I seriously can’t wait.”

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