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The Ruckus

Page 62

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I settled back in my chair as Muriel started asking me about the TV pilot I was working on with Axel and Micah. “Is the pregnancy going to complicate things at all?” she nodded toward my belly, which seemed to be getting larger by the day. “And will you be able to take maternity leave if the show gets picked up by a network?”

I smiled. “The good thing about playing the show’s title character is that they sort of have to work around me. But we’ve managed to stick to a pretty strict schedule so far with creative camera angles and some alterations to the original costumes I designed.” I paused, then added, “Of course, it doesn’t hurt that I’m sleeping with my co-star and the director.”

We all laughed right as the co-star and director in question came walking around to the front of the house, followed closely by Cameron, Hugh, Nolan, and Cooper.

“Sounds like you ladies are having a good time over here,” Axel grinned as he walked over and planed a kiss on my forehead.

Micah stepped over to my other side and rested a strong, calloused hand on my shoulder. “Hope we aren’t interrupting anything...”

“Nothing at all.” I smiled up at my guys. “I think y’all were actually just a few minutes away from having your grill space invaded by a bunch of hungry kids and hungrier pregnant ladies.”

Cooper laughed. “I guess it’s a good thing supper’s ready, then.” He jerked his thumb in the direction of the grill. “We’ve taken everything out back to the patio—thought it might be nice to eat out there while the sun is setting.”

Poppy took his hand and nodded. “That’ll be perfect, babe. Thank you.”

Muriel was already on her feet, with a bit of help from Cameron and Hugh. With a little help from our guys, we rounded up our kids and moved to the back patio.

“You were right, Cooper,” I said as we all claimed our spaces around the tables—adults at one end and kids at the other. “It’s beautiful back here. There are so many trees around our house that we don’t get views like this.”

“You get the peace and quiet of being out in the middle of the woods, though,” Poppy pointed out.

“And you’re practically neighbors with your mom and your uncle,” Muriel added.

I smirked. “I’m not sure whether that’s always a bonus...”

Even though I joked about my family sometimes, it made me happy to be around them again. I loved the fact that my kids would grow up close—both physically and emotionally—to all three sets of their grandparents. It was a support network I wouldn’t have had if I’d stayed out in California five years ago.

While I did have good memories of the time I spent in L.A., I’d never regretted my decision to stay here in Georgia with my guys. And with my girls, since Muriel and Poppy had both settled down to make their homes here as well.

The guys laid out several huge platters piled high with barbecued meat, grilled veggies, and the extra side dishes that Muriel and I had brought. It looked and smelled amazing. But even though I couldn’t wait to dig in and start eating, I reminded myself to sit back and savor the moment, taking a snapshot in my head of the fun, beautiful evening I was lucky enough to spend with all of my favorite people.

Poppy smiled at me from across the table. “I’m so glad y’all are here tonight.” She looked over at Muriel. “And you and your guys, too. It’s been so nice, and I’m just... feeling thankful.”

It was like she had read my thoughts. Hearing the words and seeing the sincere expression on her face nearly made me tear up. “I’m thankful, too,” I nodded. “Y’all are my best friends, and I’m so glad we’re still this close after all these years.”

“Aw, y’all,” Muriel sniffled and dabbed at the corners of her eyes. “Come on, this is the first time I’ve worn mascara in a week, and now you’re going to make it run?” She tossed a quick wink in our direction. “Seriously, though, I love you both—I love everyone at this table. And I’m sure the next five years are going to be even more amazing than the last five have been.”

It was a pretty bold prediction, but I believed it too. These people—my chosen family—were all special, wonderful individuals. I would have been lucky enough to have any one of them in my life. But all together?

It wasn’t just some weird coincidence that Muriel, Poppy, and I had found the loves of our lives so close to home after moving so far away. It was fate. It was a blessing.

And our shared, entwined fates must have so many more great things in store for us.


I felt the warmth and love radiating from both of my guys as we drove home together. Spending time with our friends had been good for all three of us, but from the hot looks Axel and Micah had been giving me all evening, they were both ready to have me to themselves.

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