The Ruckus - Page 63

And as much as I loved my girls, I was definitely ready to be alone with my men.

Besides, Poppy and Muriel hadn’t even tried to hide the knowing looks they were each exchanging with their men as we all said goodbye. It was an unspoken open secret that, without a doubt, we were all going to have great nights in our own separate houses.

“I love seeing you smile like that, baby,” Micah said, flashing me a sexy grin of his own. “Sexiest woman in the world.”

“And the way you looked at us over dinner,” Axel added. “Do we need to hang out with everyone more often?”

I laughed and rested a hand on my belly. I loved that they still thought I was sexy even with a swollen, pregnant figure plus having eaten a whole plate of barbecue: enough for two. “It was nice. But I can’t lie—I’m also ready to be home with you guys.”

My first pregnancy had brought the three of us closer together than we had ever been before. There had been so many uncertainties and stressful moments that had come with giving birth for the first time—not to mention all the sleepless nights and exhausting days. We all spent our hours trying to balance the careers we were so passionate about with the tiny, miraculous, beautiful newborn who had depended on us for everything.

I honestly missed those hectic days a little when I looked over at our precious Max, sleeping so peacefully in his car seat. I couldn’t help but look forward to doing it all over again—except with a little more knowledge and experience under our belts.

The rough, bumpy dirt road pulled me from my thoughts. The drive from Poppy’s house wasn’t a long one, but I’d been anticipating some alone time with my guys for at least the past couple of hours. Thank goodness it only took a few more minutes before we pulled into our driveway. I’m not sure how much longer the three of us could have waited.

Micah carried Max inside and tucked him in while Axel and I followed. We usually took turns reading bedtime stories to our son, but he was so tired from playing with the other kids at Poppy’s that he was already asleep again the moment his head hit the pillow.

“Guess we’ll have to skip story time tonight,” Axel whispered, putting his arm around me. “Little guy had a hell of a time out there on the ranch.”

I put a finger to my lips and walked over to kiss Max’s forehead before his daddies, and I left the room and closed the door behind us.

My guys had me in their arms the moment we were finally alone in our bedroom. “Jesus,” Micah exhaled, leaning in for a kiss. “I’ve been wanting to do this all night.” He captured my mouth with his and rested a protective hand on my belly.

“You and me both.” Axel nipped at the back of my neck as he ran his hands over my hips.

“Need to get out of these clothes,” I murmured as a wave of heat rushed through me. “Need to get both of you naked. Now.”

My guys didn’t have to be told twice. The breezy sundress I’d been wearing was the first thing to go, pooling at my feet and leaving me in nothing but my bra and panties.

“Fuck, your body is beautiful,” Micah said reverently, reaching out to cup my full breasts over the silky fabric of my bra. “Never get tired of seeing you like this—like the perfect present waiting to be unwrapped.”

“A present we get to share,” Axel’s deep voice rumbled behind me as he unhooked my bra and then slowly pulled my panties down. “You’ve made us the luckiest guys in the world, baby.”

“I’m the lucky one,” I said, stepping free of the last bit of material and turning my attention to helping them undress. “I get two sexy, strong men by my side every day and night for the rest of my life. If that isn’t hitting the jackpot, I don’t know what is.”

I turned and lifted the hem of Axel’s shirt, pulling it up and over his head before doing the same with Micah. And then I had to stop and take a moment to run my hands down the hard planes of their chests and over the ridges of their abs. One mostly smooth and the other lightly dusted with fine, dark hairs. One with lean muscle and the other a little bulkier. Both similar but still completely different at the same time. Both incredibly sexy.

“Now for my favorite part,” I said, nibbling at my lip as I reached for both of their belts at the same time. I was too impatient to keep undressing them one by one, though—not to mention too pregnant to get down on my knees and give them the kind of attention I would’ve preferred to do, the kind they both deserved. Instead, I turned and sat down on the edge of the bed, then motioned for them to keep going. “I’ll be right here waiting when you both finish getting naked...”

Tags: Stephanie Brother Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024