One Winter's Night - Page 45

“For all the saints.” She panted as he flicked his tongue back and forth over her sex. The rush of pleasure saw her clutch his hair in her fists and writhe like a wanton beneath him. She could feel the pressure mounting. Sheer bliss was but a stroke or two away. The spine-tingling ripple preceded the intense pulsing that saw her cry his name. “Hugo!”

“Do you want me, my love?” He came up on his knees and gripped his shaft. “I can’t promise it won’t hurt.”

“Take me now.” Now, while her mind floated in the clouds. Now, while her body bathed in the after-effects of her climax.

“Wrap your legs around me.”

Though her limbs lacked strength, she did as he asked. The first nudge of his manhood at her entrance tore a gasp from her lips. The first push inside stung a little yet sent more waves of pleasure coursing to her toes.

“Forgive me,” he panted. “It is best to be quick.” And with that, he pushed past her maidenhead with one long thrust. “Christ!” He closed his eyes as if relishing the moment.

The intrusion wrought pain and pleasure. Stretching to accommodate him proved somewhat uncomfortable. Oh, but the sensation of feeling full, of their bodies locked together in an erotic embrace, filled her with love.

Hugo remained buried to the hilt.

Nothing separated them now.

They both held their breaths as they stared deeply into each other’s eyes.

“I’ll move slowly. Tell me if you want me to stop.”

He withdrew and then pushed inside her again. A sudden surge of emotion accompanied his thrust. He pinned her with his possessive blue eyes, impaled her with his magnificent manhood.

He continued to drive into her body, so deep, so slow she cried out for release. The smooth undulations left her moaning every time he filled her. Then the rhythm grew frantic, and they made love with a feverish compulsion.

When he withdrew, she almost groaned in disappointment. He growled with satisfaction, spurted his seed onto her abdomen, and yet was still mindful that she sought something more. He rubbed the head of his shaft over her sex in the same stimulating way he had his fingers and tongue. It took seconds for another climax to explode through her.

After wiping away the evidence of their lovemaking, he rolled onto his back, gathered her into his arms and they lay entwined until their breathless pants subsided.

“The fire will die out soon.” He brushed his mouth across her temple while trailing his fingers over the curve of her hip. “I shall have this place stocked with enough wood to see us through the winter.”

“You presume you have the power to seduce me in the tower again, my lord.” She drew a teasing circle in the dusting of dark hair on his chest.

“I think you’ll find you seduced me, Miss Bennett, with your offer of sanctuary and the prospect of a lifetime’s worth of happiness. While we’re on the subject of seduction, you must be famished after our rampant activities.”

“As must you. I shall fetch the basket before the fire finally dies and we’re forced to return to the house.”

He watched her clamber over his body, came up on his elbows and cocked his head as she padded across the room to collect their provisions. Numerous times during their naked fireside picnic, the odd stolen kiss sparked into something more salacious. Numerous times they struggled to suppress their hunger for each other.

Later, Hugo helped her dress, threw on his breeches and shirt but left his waistcoat and cravat on the bed. “Your cloak is sodden,” he said, shaking out the crumpled garment and draping it around her shoulders. “My mother can lend you one for the time being while this one is cleaned.”

Lara smiled. “You make it sound as if I’ll be here for a while.”

He gathered her into his arms and pressed a chaste kiss to her lips. “If I have my way, you

’ll spend the rest of your life at Wollaston Hall.” He touched his forehead to hers. “Marry me, Lara.” His velvet voice sent her heart fluttering. “I loved you the moment you swept in with the snowstorm. Marry me. Let us both choose love over duty.”

Lara cupped his cheek. “You know I will.” Tears welled in her eyes. She’d known he would ask. Indeed, he had hinted often enough. But to hear him say the words, to know love lived in his heart, was a treasure beyond belief. “Nothing would make me happier than being your wife.”

They kissed again—a passionate melding of mouths that left her wanting.

“I wish we could stay here until the guests have left.” She had no desire to see Miss Harper again. She had to be the one who’d crept into Lara’s room and ruined her red dress. “I wish poor Mr Bellham had remained at the Swan and you didn’t have the added worry of trying to determine who killed him.”

He brushed a lock of hair from her face. “I doubt I’ll discover who drove the blade into Bertie’s chest, and so I shall show the magistrate the note and say I found it this evening. He can draw whatever conclusion serves his purpose.”

“I wish we could do more, but you cannot accuse people of a crime without evidence.”

“It’s as if a whirlwind has torn through the house these last few days, destroying everything in its path. But my mother is happy. We’re happy. And we must all think to the future.” He captured her hand and pressed a kiss to her knuckles. “Tomorrow, I shall seek your grandfather’s permission so we can announce our betrothal.”

Tags: Adele Clee Historical
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024