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Blessed by the Fake Boyfriend

Page 25

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“Hope Fields,” she replied, reaching to shake his hand. It was a firm handshake, and the calluses on her hands surprised him. No dainty miss here, though he couldn’t help but admire the contrast between her creamy complexion and his own deep umber. “I’ve still got a few things at the house to bring over.”

“Greyson will help you,” Georgie said eagerly.

He closed his eyes, so his grandmother wouldn’t see them roll, before turning to Hope with a smile. “Sure, what can I help you with?”

“Oh, I don’t want to take any time away from you two. I’ll only be a minute.”

“Don’t be stubborn, Hope,” Georgie said, waving a hand. “I’ve seen nothing but doctors and Greyson for three weeks, bless his heart. A few minutes of peace would do me good.”

Greyson scowled. Gram was the last person on earth who should be chiding people about being stubborn. And he hadn’t been at the hospital near as often as he would have liked. It was part of why he wanted to move her closer to him.

“If you’re sure,” Hope said.

“I’m positive,” Georgie replied, practically shooing them from the room.

Greyson shot his grandmother one last scowl before following Hope out of the house. “I’m sorry about that,” Greyson said as he followed her to the cheerful yellow house next door.

“About what?” Hope asked.

Taking a deep breath, he hesitated. While he didn’t want to make things more awkward, he also wanted to make sure Hope knew not to expect anything. “My grandmother is an incurable matchmaker.”

To his surprise, Hope laughed. “Don’t I know it.”

“Wait, what?”

Hope flashed him a bright smile. “Mrs. Able has been sneakily, and by sneakily I mean blatantly, trying to set me up with any number of young men she comes into contact with. She seems convinced that I’m quite miserable and lonely on my own.”

While Hope opened the door to her house, Greyson said, “So, you’re used to this?”

“Dreadfully so, yes. I appreciate the help,” she added, “don’t get me wrong. But I’m not going to pine for you tonight or start counting down until I see you again. No offense.”

Why did that feel like an insult? Greyson wondered vaguely as he said, “None taken.”

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