Hopeless Hero - Page 20

“No one told me you were back in town,” I said, knowing I sounded stupid, but unable to stop myself. The words were flying out of my mouth at a warped speed, and I just wanted to hear her voice again.

“Why would they? You’re not important to me anymore, Zane.”

The venom in her voice was like a punch to the stomach. My eyes never left her face. I waited to see if she would thaw even slightly, but she didn’t. Her eyes remained focused on the sidewalk in front of us, and she didn’t spare so much as a glance my way.

For years, I’d dreamt of what it would be like to see her again. I played her voice over and over in my mind when I was out on a mission or whenever training became too monotonous. It kept me calm and centered; my memories of her had been my anchor.

Yet now, when I was finally getting the chance to be with her, she couldn’t even look at me.

Rage filled my body and my face flushed. I told myself to stay calm—that she was just hurting after the way things ended between us. To me, we’d always had a future, but to her, it must have felt completely different.

Still, my disappointment got the best of me, and the longer she refused to look at me, the angrier I became. “Well, I clearly don’t mean anything to you,” I said, frustrated. “You couldn’t even call. Couldn’t pick up the phone after all these years, huh? After all the letters I wrote you?”

“No. And I never should have come back,” she said.

“Why?” I spat.

“So that I could keep avoiding all of this! You trying to pull me back in. Make me your girl again. I am not your girl Zane. And I never will be.”

“We’ll see about that.” The words left my mouth before I realized what I was saying. While she brought out the best in me, she could also bring out the worst. In just a matter of minutes, my long-suppressed cockiness had reared its ugly head again. I knew it had been a mistake to let those words slip out, but I didn’t regret them.

At last, Alicia came to a full stop and faced me head-on, her eyes narrowed dangerously. “What did you just say?”

Emboldened, I stared her right in the eyes. “I said you’ll be mine again, Alicia.”

“That’s not going to happen.”

“You’ve been wrong before,” I muttered as I turned to walk away.

Alicia was my new mission, and this time, I refused to fail.



“Adam, I’ve been dreaming about these scones for so long,” I said into my phone. “You have no idea how amazing these things are.”

“Well, bring me back a few.”

“Oh, I’m bringing back a dozen!” I assured him.

“That’s the fatty I know and love!”

“Watch it,” I warned. “You know I can fire you.”

“You know you never would,” he said confidently.

I rolled my eyes and stepped farther forward as the line at Angel’s began to move.

After my encounter with Zane the day before, I needed an Angel’s fix to get my day started. I’d woken feeling younger than I had in years. Just one conversation with Zane and I was back to my old self again, vulnerable and exposed.

I hated it.

“How was the funeral?” Adam asked, snapping me back to reality.

“It was… fine,” I said and then shook my head. I tried to clear my thoughts, but images of Zane flooded my mind. I could see his smiling face the night he told me about the Savage Soldiers assignment he’d been selected for. I could see him flushing with rage just a few hours before, his dark eyes angrier than I’d ever seen them.

“Uh oh,” Adam said.

Tags: Nicole Elliot Romance
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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