Lawless Hero - Page 10

“Don’t worry about it. Look, there’s Yamna. She’s a terrific person to interview,” I said, pointing her out.

“I’ll sort this out,” Rose said as we continued walking toward the Afghan woman.

“I don’t doubt it. You stay here with Yamna. I need to talk to Jahmir alone.”

“Is it safe?”

“You’ll be fine.”

“Are you sure?”

“I haven’t lost a reporter in my charge yet.”

“How many reporters have you helped before?”

“Well, since you ask, you’re my first.” I winked.

Rose rolled her eyes and quickened her pace. I stared at her a moment, loving the way her body moved.

I knew the women of the village would treat her well and keep her safe, which was a good thing because my conversation with Jahmir couldn’t wait.

* * *

“You can’t let anyone know what we’re doing,” I said to Jahmir as we sat on floor cushions in his living room. “Do you understand? It’s important.”

He waved my concerns away with his hand. “Are you ready to see the samples?”

“Yes,” I said nervously. Melvin had certainly gotten me involved in some crazy shit.

Jahmir pulled out a wooden box and opened the lid. Inside, I saw what appeared to be a metallic rock of some sort. “This is one of the smaller pieces we have mined.”

“How much can you get?” I asked, reaching for it.

He pulled the box away. “We can get as much as you want for the right price. I do not want to sell poppies like the others. You must give us a fair price. Two men have died so far getting this material.”

I nodded. “I’ll need to bring the sample to Melvin.”

He stared at me with his ancient eyes, wrinkles running like rivers from them. “I will trust you, but do not cross me.”

“You have nothing to worry about,” I said. “We need to keep this quiet, though. As I told you before, we’re not supposed to be transporting this stuff.”

“I will sell to the Chinese if you do not want. Rare earth minerals are booming business.”

Ryan stepped into the room, holding his rifle at the ready. “You ready to leave?”

I glanced up at him. “Give me a minute, okay?”

“I’ll be outside,” he said.

I turned back to Jahmir. “Thank you again,” I said, holding out a hand. He gave me the box and I got to my feet. “I’ll return soon with money and an order.”

“Fine. Safe travels,” he said.

As I walked out the room of his simple house, I thought about my apartment back in New York City and how much I missed it. It may have been small, but a year in Afghanistan had made me realize how much I had loved the space.

Outside, I saw Rose standing nearby. She walked over. “How’d your meeting with Jahmir go?”

“Fine,” I said, hating that she was so damn curious. “You get to talk to the villagers?”

Tags: Nicole Elliot Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025