Lawless Hero - Page 16

Does he actually know something? I wondered. “Nothing specific,” I said. “It’s just—you’re the real big man on base.”

He smiled as he lifted an arm and flexed his muscles.

“Impressive,” I cooed, fighting back my revulsion. “So—do you have time to talk?”

“Not now,” he said. “Give me an hour.”

“Um, sure. How about we meet at the mess hall?”

“No, I’ll come to your quarters.”

“I don’t think…” But before I finished, he was walking away. “Dammit,” I muttered.

I wasn’t too concerned though. I figured I could handle him.

* * *

Well over an hour later, someone knocked on my door.

“Hold on,” I said, standing up. I crossed the room and stopped.

Be strong, I told myself as I took a deep breath.

I opened the door to find Melvin dressed in camo pants and a tight green tee-shirt, all standard issue. He grinned and stepped forward, giving me no choice but to step back and let him in.

“You made it,” I said.

“I keep my word.”

As he shut the door behind him, a sense of dread rushed came over me. I tried to ignore it and walked over to my desk. “Have a seat, and I’ll pull up my list of questions,” I said.

He stepped over and closed my laptop.

My eyes snapped up toward him. “What are you doing?”

“We can do the interview after.” He smirked.

“After what?” I asked, right as he lurched forward. I narrowly avoided his kiss. “Whoa. Hold on a minute…”

“The hard-to-get act is getting old,” he said, his voice thick.

“Are you drunk?”

He laughed. “Alcohol isn’t allowed on the base. How would I get some?”

“Smuggling,” I said, staring into his eyes and wishing I could read his thoughts.

“What do you know about smuggling?” he asked, moving in on me.

“It’s happened during wars all throughout history,” I said.

“Yeah? Well, Afghanistan ain’t no war. It’s a hell-hole all the time.”

As he spoke, I attempted to subtly move toward the door.

“Where are you going?” he asked. “You afraid of me or something?”

Or something, I thought. What have I gotten myself into now?

Tags: Nicole Elliot Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025