Lawless Hero - Page 19

“I’ve told you I want nothing to do with it anymore.”

His chest bumped against mine as he stepped forward. “And I’ve

said you don’t have a choice in the matter.” “Hey, Warren,” Ryan called from behind Melvin, “you coming in?”

“I’ll be there in a second,” I said. “Melvin and I have some stuff to work out.”

“All right, man. No more of that fighting bullshit.” The door closed behind Ryan.

I concentrated on my breathing. “Melvin, I mean it. I’m done. My tour is over soon, and I’ll be going home.”

“Then you’ll sign up again,” Melvin said, his eyes never leaving mine.

“No, Melvin, I’m won’t.”

His lip twitched.

“Look, I won’t say anything to Rose or anyone else. I’m implicated in this mess myself,” I said.

“Damn right you are,” he said. “Don’t forget that shit.”

“Go get some sleep. And cut down on the steroids. That shit is making you crazy.”

“Maybe, but I’m buffer than any motherfucker in Afghanistan.”

“Whatever, man. I’m going to bed. Lay off the reporter, okay? We don’t want any extra eyes on either of us right now. She’ll be leaving in a few days.”


“Yeah. Captain is sending her home.”

Melvin grinned. “You had nothing to do with that, did you?” He patted me on the shoulder. “Later, man.”

I watched as he walked away to his CHU.

I briefly wondered if I needed to stay up to make sure he didn’t go back to bother Rose, but ultimately decided against it. I climbed into bed, trying to come up with something somewhat romantic for my date with the reporter.

With luck, I hoped to fuck her under the open sky on the foothills of the mountains. If nothing else, I would distract her until she left our camp and lives for good.

Then I would get out of the smuggling operation for good.

One step at a time, I told myself as I fell asleep. One step at a time.



When I saw the smile and look of amazement on her face, all the effort and trouble I’d gone through felt worthwhile. I had even called in favors from three different people at the Savage Soldier base.

“This is so beautiful,” she said, looking at the valley below and the mountain range in the distance.

“Right? It’s a shame this country is besieged by so much war.” I sat down on the blanket. “Here, have a glass of wine and some cheese.”

She sat next to me, her knees bent and her feet farther down the hill. I poured her a glass of red wine as she stared out at the landscape.

“What’s that over there?” she asked, pointing.

I glanced up. Shit.

Tags: Nicole Elliot Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025