Lawless Hero - Page 59

“Stop!” I said, pulling back, disgusted.


“What the hell are you doing?”

“I thought you and Kim were down to share me? That’s why you introduced me to her, right? I fuck her, then you. Then we three get together.”

“What? No!” I stood up and pointed to the door. “You need to go.”

“You know what? I don’t need this shit from you.” He got to his feet, towering over me. “You’re fucking nuts.”

“Get the fuck out of my apartment before I call the cops!”

“Whoa, hold on.” He raised his arms in the air. “Calm down. No need to get them involved.”

I glared at him, shaking because I knew how easy it would be for him to overpower me.

“Fuck you, bitch,” he said over his shoulder as he headed to the door.

Still shaking, I stared after him, positively revolted.

What the hell was wrong with me for thinking a guy like Melvin was even worth any of my time?

And even worse, knowing what a creep he could be, why had I tried to push him off on my best friend?

I felt like scum. I needed to call Kim because under no circumstances could she go out with him again. She needed to know the truth about him, and I didn’t care how great their first date had allegedly been. I felt bile in the back of my throat, knowing that any other time, Kim would have called me by now.

I hoped she was okay…

“You can forget your story,” I spat, just as he was about to leave out the door.

He stopped and turned around. “Yeah?”


He shook his head. “Warren was right about you.”

I blinked. “What did Warren say about me?” I asked, instantly regretting letting the words come out of my mouth.

Melvin smirked. “Wouldn’t you like to know.” He then turned and walked out of my apartment, slamming the door behind him.

I grabbed my phone and called Kim. She answered on the third ring.

“What the hell?” I screamed.

“Rose? What’s going on?”

“Melvin just made a move on me, that’s what’s going on!”

“Melvin? Are you at his apartment?”

“No, he came to mine, asking me to do a story on him.”

“You don’t do those kinds of stories anymore.”

“I know.”

“So why did you invite him over?”

Tags: Nicole Elliot Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025