Lawless Hero - Page 71

“Hopefully there weren’t too many,” I teased.

“None in your league, trust me.”

I kissed him on the lips, never able to get enough of their sweetness. As we enjoyed the moment, I let my mind wander willingly.

Until all hell broke loose.

Someone abruptly pounded on his apartment door.

“Stay here,” he said, jumping out of bed. He grabbed a robe, threw it on, and hurried out.

“Hands up!” someone shouted.

I crawled out of bed, gathering my underclothes. But before I even had them all the way on, the bedroom door burst open and two men in black suits with guns drawn rushed in.

“Freeze!” one shouted.

I screamed, dropping my bra.

“Let her get dressed,” Mr. Sully said, walking in. “She’s not coming with us.”

“What the hell is going on?” I asked, my arms crossed over my bare chest.

“Melvin testified against Warren. We’re bringing him in.”

“That’s bullshit! We had a deal.”

“That was before we knew your boyfriend was still involved.”

“But he’s not!”

“Do you know that for a fact?” The agent stared into my eyes a moment before his gaze dropped to my chest.

“Get out of here!” I yelled, furious.

“I’ll be out here waiting to talk with you,” he said with a grin.

As soon as he left, I rushed to get dressed, wondering if Warren was still in the living room.

What the hell was going on? Why did my life always have to fall apart when things were going well?

When I left the bedroom, Mr. Sully would give me no information other than that I was not to contact either Warren or Melvin. And then ignoring my complaints, he left.

They had already taken Warren away, and I had no idea what condition he was in.

My eyes teared up as I was left in his apartment alone.



Mr. Sully stared at me from the other side of a wooden table. A mirror took up one wall of the otherwise barren room. I hadn’t said a word since they brought me in.

“We can do this the easy way or the hard way,” he said.

I stayed silent.

“Okay. We’ll bring the woman in too.”

Tags: Nicole Elliot Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2025