A Prescription For Love (Oklahoma Lovers 2) - Page 52

Michael flinched.

She regarded him with one raised eyebrow. “Exactly. But when she talked to Papa about my concerns, he refused to listen, and said I would marry Clarence at the end of my month, and he wouldn’t consider any argument.” She took a deep breath. “So Mother told Papa she thought him unreasonable, and he didn’t care for my feelings, and one thing led to another, and she left.”

“Heidi, you don’t have to marry anyone you don’t want to. We’re not living in the Middle Ages.”

A loud knock from the front of the store stopped her from answering. “What time is it?”

Michael checked his watch. “It’s after nine, we better open up.”

He strode to the front of the store, flipped the sign, and unlocked the door. “Good morning, Mrs. Benson, how are you today?”

“Terrible. My arthritis is making me miserable. I need the medicine you mixed for me a while back. It’s this cold weather.” She shuffled to the counter, her stiff movements evidence of her pain.

Michael took her by the elbow, and assisted her to a chair near the front window, where the warming sunshine poured in. “Just rest here for a minute, and I’ll have it for you right away.”

“Thank you, Michael. You’re a fine young man.” She eased into the chair and leaned back, closing her eyes.

Heidi hurried to another part of the store, to help a couple who studied the boxes of toothache drops. Within minutes more customers arrived, and Michael pushed their conversation to the back of his mind.

Right before noon, Gloria entered the drugstore and headed directly to where he stood mixing cough syrup. “I’m glad I caught you before you left for lunch.” She turned to Heidi, who stood behind the soda fountain, where she added the sales for the morning. “You don’t mind if I borrow Michael for a while, do you?”

Heidi bristled, not raising her eyes from her work. “No. Of course not.”

Gloria tapped him on his chest. “Our lunch is definitely my treat.”

Annoyed at being cornered, and highly suspicious of the woman anyway, Michael glanced at a red-faced Heidi, and directed his comment to Gloria. “Okay, if lunch is on you, then we’ll be even.”

“Ooh, I don’t like the way that sounds,” she pouted.

He headed to the back of the store, and grabbed his coat. What was this woman’s game, anyway? Not for one minute did he believe her attraction to him so great, she couldn’t stay away. She seemed to be baiting Heidi.

And his life used to be so simple. Now he’d offered to hire a woman who’d left her husband because her daughter, also his employee, didn’t want to marry the man her father insisted upon.

Then add his attraction to said employee; an attraction getting harder every day to keep under control. He didn’t want to be attracted to her. He didn’t want to think about all the things he’d kept tucked securely into the back of his mind years ago. A wife, and a family. Relationships that put your heart at risk. Left you exposed to pain and heartache. No, he’d already been through that once before.


Heidi snapped the lock on the front door, and stomped to the back of the store. The only thing keeping her from ripping out that woman’s hair by its roots was Michael’s obvious reluctance when they’d left for lunch. She smiled-he actually looked guilty.

What a mess things had become. In three weeks her papa still hadn’t acknowledged she could tend to her needs by herself. Although he’d agreed to allow her a month to prove herself, his attitude about Clarence hadn’t changed. Add to her confusion Clarence’s insistence on their marriage. He didn’t intend to have her as a true wife, told her he would keep women on the side, and there would be no children. What reason could he have for his persistence?

She pulled out the remnants from breakfast, and made a biscuit and ham sandwich. A cup of bracing tea restored her, strengthening her resolve to live her life the way she wanted. She didn’t want Clarence Manfred for a husband, and she would not allow anyone to force her to stand before the preacher and say ‘I do.’

Daydreams drifted through her mind as she sat at the worn table, with sunlight pouring through the side window. Pictures of Michael kissing her, pulling her to his strong chest. His hands running over her body, touching her in places that left her breathless. The warmth of his breath as he whispered in her ear. She squirmed, and rose abruptly, chastising herself.

Ellie had warned her Michael vowed to never marry. Even though he’d kissed her a few times didn’t mean he’d changed his mind. And she’d be smart to remember that. Just because she didn’t want to marry Clarence, didn’t mean Michael wanted to stand in his place.

A quick wipe of the table, and she headed to unlock the door. She checked her watch. A little past twelve thirty. Ten minutes later she checked her watch again. Michael still hadn’t returned. She assisted several customers, mixed up a couple of sodas, and found the arthritis powder on one of the top shelves. After climbing down the ladder, she checked her watch once more. Ten minutes past one. Anger started slow in her stomach, and crawled ruthlessly up her body.

How dare he leave her alone in the store all this time? And what sort of lunch were they having that took so long? Two customers came in to pick up prescriptions Michael had filled earlier. A young woman and her small son bought two pieces of penny candy. Another glance at her watch. One twenty-five. She jumped when the front door slammed against the wall as Michael barreled through the entrance.

“Don’t say a word,” he growled as he strode past her, shrugging out of his coat as he passed.

A jolt of happiness shot through her. Michael certainly didn’t look like a man who’d enjoyed himself. She hummed as she waited on the next customer, having a hard time hiding her glee.

Michael stormed back out, and strode directly to the counter where he resumed mixing prescriptions. His jerky movements caused him to drop things, until he finally took a deep breath, shook his head, and resumed his work.

For the rest of the afternoon, Michael remained grumpy, and Heidi cheerful. Close to six o’clock, Mrs. Lester entered the store. Fussing with her purse, she sighed deeply, and wandered through the aisles, touching items, sighing some more.

Tags: Callie Hutton Oklahoma Lovers Historical
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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