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Sweet Thing (Naughty Things 2)

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I never want to take my eyes off him again.


Aria’s father didn’t cancel the loan. In fact, that whole project was a huge success. We have now officially sold two commercial buildings and seven refurbished houses. And twenty of the local residents have taken us up on the special refinance loans to rehab their homes. The Gingerbread neighborhood is getting a facelift.

Ozzy didn’t break up with me. Our partnership is now stronger than ever and he’s even come over for Sunday lunch with the Amhersts a few times. I think he’s got his eye on April, who may or may not be playing hard to get.

And the pinnacle of our investment came to fruition for the Fourth of July festival. I did get my friend Kenner to meet April, and while she was super excited and impressed, the really cool part is that Kenner got his band to agree to play a song for the neighborhood as a surprise.

Thousands of people showed up out of nowhere once the word got out that Son of a Jack was playing. By the end of the day every food vendor had sold out, every home that was for sale had half a dozen showings lined up, and the local news even came and interviewed Ozzy and me on TV.

Aria stood by my side the whole time. And when the local reporter asked who she was, I said, “This is Miss Aria Amherst. My girlfriend.”

Which got an eyebrow lift from more than a few people until Mr. Amherst came over to introduce himself.

He likes me. I can tell. And so does her mother. But I did everything right to make that happen.

Do I enjoy only seeing Aria twice a week?

Yes, actually. I do. By the time the weekend rolls around I’m dying for her.

Dying for her.

She is everything I’ve ever wanted.

Young and pretty, sure.

Sweet and dirty, yes.

But most of all she’s just… mine.

I have plans for us. So many plans for us. They include things like brand-new diamond rings. A wedding, a honeymoon, and of course, children.

But Aria has plans for us too.

Living separately and dating while she’s in her first year of college. And fixing up the old Victorian house we bought down the street from April’s apartment.

She’s worth the wait. And it’s not a hard wait. It’s bliss. She is everything I’ve ever wanted in a woman and her family is the perfect package deal.

She is, and will always be, my sweet thing.

But one day, eighteen years from now, I know we’ll wake up and realize…

We’ve been together now longer than we were ever apart.

And if that’s not a happily ever after, I don’t know what is.


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