A Study In Murder
Page 118
/> ?“Alone?”
?His face grew sullen. “Yeah.”
?“But the question I keep coming back to…” I closed the gap between me and Hypno “…is about that pipe.”
?“What about it?” Hypno asked, cool as a cucumber.
?“It was odd that you selected a pipe that was specifically marked for Jon Kane and gave it to Mr. Watkins.” I turned to DeStadler. “Does that seem odd to you?”
?DeStadler nodded. “It seems unusual that it had financial data on a flash drive inside it.”
?“I don’t know anything about a flash drive. I thought the red ‘X’ meant it was a reject.” She gave a shrug. “How did I know it was special?”
?“Well, somebody knew it was special,” I cajoled. “They knew it was so special that they sent someone to steal it. Someone strong and fast.”
?Hypno shrugged. “People get mugged all the time in a big city.”
?I couldn’t help the smile that appeared on my face. “You’re right. But isn’t it strange that you knew it was a mugging?”
?“Whaddya mean?” Hypno frowned. “People get ripped off, I assume it was a mugger.”
?“I said it was stolen. I didn’t say how,” I maintained. “Also it is equally strange, since you were the one who met with Jon Kane and told him that Mark possessed that specific pipe.”
?“I brought him a pipe, he told me it had to be the pipe with the red ‘X’. I told him Watkins had that one. I don’t see what that has to do with anything.”
?I pressed on. “So, Candy sent Jon to pick up a pipe from you, and at the same time, you were unaware of anything special about the pipe he wanted?”
?“It begs the question,” DeStadler huffed, “of just how you knew Candy Poole.”
?“I knew her from the convention,” Hypno grunted. “She asked me to meet some guy and give him a pipe.”
?“And you just did what someone you barely knew requested?” I asked.
?Hypno shrugged. “She paid for a pipe; we needed the sale. We pride ourselves on customer service.”
?“So, not a big deal at all,” I said. “Let me make sure I follow this. There were three pipes. One was given to Mark, one was bought by Candy Poole and given to Jon Kane, and one was bought by—”
?I turned to face Charles. “By you, Charles.”
?“Yes,” Charles said smugly. “And with the things you and Mr. Watkins said to me the other day, I have made sure to keep it with me ever since.”
?He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out one of the elaborate Calabash pipes.
?He stepped forward and gently placed it on the table.
?I made eye contact with Mark who looked panicked. I merely smiled and gave him a wink.
?“Mr. Blake,” DeStadler took charge, “why don’t you call your assistant and find out if a customer bought your Calabash pipe?”
?Norm nodded and pulled out his phone.
?“That really won’t be necessary, detective,” I corrected. “You see, I believe that Mr. Blake still has his pipe in his possession.”
?“I do?”
?“Yes, because although this was an elaborate and clever scheme, I don’t believe Mr. Blake had anything to do with it.”
?DeStadler crossed his arms. “Do tell?”