?Sheryl ran over to me as I struggled to catch my breath and stand up. I only got as far as my knees.
?“Ohmigod, ohmigod, are you hurt, are you bleeding? Talk to me, Mark,” she exclaimed as I gasped.
?“I—I—I’m fine,” I croaked. “Miss…missed me.”
?“Well, I won’t,” a deeper voice said.
?We both looked up to see John Stewart, who glared down at us with a gun in his left hand. Well, his good eye glared. The other one still peered off in the distance.
?The gun was very similar to my own—probably the same year, model, and make. A silencer extended out and added several inches to the barrel, aimed dangerously in our direction.
?“So you figured me out,” he chuckled. “Who thought you could?”
?“How did he get here?” I panted.
?“Hypno called him from the elevator,” said Sheryl.
?“That’s right. Now, the two of you are going to help me get her into the car.”
?I looked at all the bins which laid about the half-packed booth.
?“What about your stuff?” I asked, and realized how incredibly stupid my question sounded.
?“Don’t need it anymore. I can buy anything I want. I have all of Randall’s money.” John waved the gun at us. “Help her up.”
?We both bent, grabbed an arm, and struggled to haul up the unconscious Hypno from the floor. We got under her armpits and carried her.
?“Clever plan,” Sheryl goaded John. “I have to give you that. Take Randall’s money and point the police at us.”
?“What can I say?” John bragged. “The police always look at the spouse—or ex-spouse—first. It took some planning, but I almost got away with it.”
?“I think I can see how you did it,” Sheryl confessed. “But I’m not sure of the details.”
?“You two move ahead of me, so I can watch you,” John ordered. “Head for that curtain with the exit sign.”
?“It was your idea to steal from Randall,” Sheryl grunted as we carried Hypno. “It was revenge for him losing your money.”
?“No, revenge for stealing from me. I always thought he didn’t just make bad investments. Hypno helped get me into Randall’s office, and I hacked his computer. It was all encoded, but that was easy. That’s when I found his ‘special’ records and saw how he ripped everyone off, including me.”
?“But you couldn’t actually open the accounts to transfer the money.”
?“I could hack through his reports, but the triple-security on the accounts was too much for even the best hacker.”
?Sheryl went on. “That’s when you and Hypno came up with the plan to force Randall to give you the passcodes.”
?“I came up with the plan, but Hypno was happy to help. She’s quite a lady.”
?“How did you get Candy involved?”
?“Saw her name on the list. Hypno and I tracked her down, showed her the secret accounts, and how her boyfriend—well, ex-boyfriend at that point—ripped her off.”
?“You convinced her if she helped, you’d get her money back.”
?“With a cut of the whole take.”
?“Was it merely a business arrangement?” Sheryl wondered. “I mean, getting her to make a play for Mark—”
?He gave his off-center smirk. “She was a firebrand. She thought seducing Mark would be fun—”