“Yeah, he likes to project an image. Anyway, I spoke to a manager and they say he checked out.”
“How did you get them to tell you that? The Waldorf never gives out information about their clients.”
“Simple, I told the manager I was his daughter.”
Chu shrugged. “Well, you didn’t lie.”
“They claim he left no forwarding address.”
“The APB won’t help us if he’s holed up in a hotel somewhere.”
“If he paid cash, no.”
“By the way, I finally heard from Las Vegas PD.”
“Max had been arrested for assault about two years ago in Vegas. He made threats and busted up some stuff at a magic store, claimed the owner stole one of his tricks.”
Pro frowned. “Really?”
“The case was eventually pleaded out, and Max did a show for the Policemen’s Benevolent Association as part of his community service.”
“I guess that’s nice.”
“It’s not good, Pro. It shows a history of violence when he thinks someone is stealing one of his tricks.”
She shook her head. “I never knew that about him.”
Chu leaned back in his chair. “I think what we have to do is try to anticipate his next move.”
“That’s why I’ve been correlating this list,” Pro sighed. “If we can find out who did design the plans, then we might have the killer.”
“If it isn’t Max.”
She shook her head. “I would have told you it was impossible this morning. But after the caper he planned and executed to get out of the cell, now I’m not sure.” Pro’s eyes returned to the sheet. “Do you know who this is? The email address is [email protected] It seems like Floss was sending a lot back and forth to him.”
“I got it on my list, but when I pull up the emails that cyber sent m
e from Floss’s computer, it seems to be gibberish.”
“What do you mean?”
“It’s the same words over and over with some hyphens in it. It’s not even modern words. It’s like ‘pray-answer’ and stuff.”
Pro spun in her chair to face her partner. “Print me up one of them, let me take a look.”
Chu hit the print button on his computer and a page spat out of the nearby laser printer. Chu handed it over to Pro, who looked at the page:
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: Be Quick Twice Tell-Be Quick Tell-Be Quick Twice Pray-Be Quick Quickly, Say-Be Quick Be Quick Pray-Be Quick Twice
Be Quick Twice-Quickly-Tell, Please-Tell-Tell Look-Be Quick Look, Pray-Be Quick Look Be Quick Be Quick Say-Tell, Pray-Speak-Be Quick Quickly-Tell-Tell-Now.