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The Courtesan's Daughter and the Gentleman (The Merry Misfits of Bath 2)

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“My goodness,” Grayson said, a grin growing on his face. “It sounds as though you have it bad, my friend.”

Carter shrugged. “Indeed. It is a bit funny when you recall how adamant I’ve been about love at first sight and romance in general. However, I am not having an easy time of it with the young lady.”

Grayson swallowed a sip of coffee. “What seems to be the problem? Is the lady not interested?”

Carter shook his head. “That’s the issue. I’m quite certain there is interest there, but she is skittish, almost as if there is something in her background that frightened her.”

Grayson nodded his thanks at the waiter who poured more coffee into his cup. “I wish I could tell you more about Miss Danvers, but the only thing Addie has shared with me is that Miss Danvers had some sort of a break with her mother, who lives in London, and moved to Bath shortly thereafter.

“My wife also tells me that Miss Danvers is quite reluctant to attend any sort of public event, which Addie thinks has to do with her not wanting to be recognized.”

Carter leaned back; his brows drawn together. “How odd. Recognized, eh? She is a beautiful woman, and the time I’ve spent with her proves her to also be kind, witty, and quite intelligent. She was well educated in a private school in France.”

Grayson spread his fingers on the table and shrugged. “I wish I could give you more information, but that is all I know. To be honest, I don’t know for sure if Addie knows any more than that, either. Miss Danvers is a bit of an enigma.”

Carter finished his tea and placed his napkin on the table. “I am off this morning to catch the mid-morning rail back to Bath.” He pushed his chair back and stood.

“I wish I could have given you more information, but I’m afraid there isn’t much more to give. I agree that she is quite lovely, and her personality does seem charming. All I can say is that I wish you the best of luck with your pursuit of Miss Danvers.”

“Thank you. I really dislike going behind the woman’s back to gather information, but she is reluctant to discuss her personal life.”

They walked to the door and took their coats and hats from the doorman. Once they stepped out into the London foggy air, Carter said, “I wish you well with the hearing.” He finished buttoning his coat against the cold December air.

“As I wish you well with your courtship of Miss Danvers,” Grayson added.

On those words, they parted, and Carter hailed a hackney to take him to Paddington Station. Normally he would walk the less than three miles, but he didn’t want to miss the rail.

He considered his courtship of Miss Danvers. If it could be termed that. It was definitely a two steps forward, one step back situation. He knew without a doubt that she was attracted to him. Life experience had taught him that. But why she was holding back, and at times seemed almost frightened, baffled him, while at the same time raised his indignation on her behalf.

No matter how many times he considered her behavior, he always came back to members of the nobility. Something must have happened to her and another ‘gentleman’ that sent her running to Bath and hiding from the public. Perhaps the next time he was in London, he would drop her name and see if he could gather any information that way.

He was looking forward to the next day when he was to meet with Lottie and two of her students, Miss Waverly and Miss Dobson, both daughters of barons. They would be making their come-out in a couple of months when the Season began in London. Playing host to two giggling young ladies was not his idea of an interesting way to spend his afternoon, but if it gave him more time with Lottie, then he was happy to do it.

He spent the rail ride home to Bath thinking of various ways he could maneuver Lottie into attending a few social occasions. He didn’t mind biding his time if that’s what she needed to feel comfortable with him.

If only he knew what plagued the poor girl.

Lottie inspected Miss Dobson and Miss Waverly as they waited for Carter to arrive. He would escort them to the tea shop on Milsom Street. “Now remember all the etiquette I taught you, and please make polite conversation with Mr. Westbrooke.”

“Is he your beau, Miss Danvers?” Miss Waverly asked.

“Heavens, no.” Lottie felt a blush rise from her middle all the way to her hairline. “He is just a friend.”

“Mama said men and women could not be friends.” Miss Dobson added.

“I don’t wish to disparage your mother, Miss Dobson, but men and women can be friends. Mr. Westbrooke and I prove that.” She hated that she sounded so supercilious, but she did not want to think of Carter in any other role, and truth be known, she wasn’t entirely comfortable in the role of friends.

Before they could continue the discussion on male and female friends, there was a slight knock on her door. “That must be Mr. Westbrooke now. Remember your manners, girls. I will be watching you, and when it’s over I will let you know how you did.”

Lottie opened the door and as always, took in a deep breath at the sight of Mr. Carter Westbrooke. Handsome as ever, he wore a light charcoal pair of trousers, with a deep blue vest, white shirt, and black ascot. Over his jacket, he wore a warm dark coat of superfine wool.

Miss Dobson and Miss Waverly both giggled. Lottie shot them a stern look and they immediately stiffened and assumed the stance ladies of the ton were expected to affect in public. Aloof and a bit of ennui. But not too much for young ladies. They were still supposed to be excited about being at all the events they’d been banned from before they debuted.

“Ladies, you look wonderful.” Carter bowed and took Lottie’s hand first, then looked expectantly at the two girls.

“Ladies, may I make known to you, Mr. Westbrooke.” He bowed and Lottie continued. “Mr. Westbrooke, may I present Miss Dobson and Miss Waverly.” Both girls did a respectful curtsy which made Lottie very happy. She noticed they both blushed furiously when Carter took their hands and kissed the backs.

“Ladies, my car

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