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Lunchtime Chronicles: Passion Fruit

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Plus, Blue was an exclusive on-premise sex club. The freakiest souls in Chicago fled there, wanting to explore the naughtiest erotic delights.

“What should I expect on the inside?” Angel took out the mask from her purse, put it on, and checked her reflection in the rear-view mirror.

Angel’s dark brown skin went perfectly with it. Diamond lace covered her forehead, surrounded her eyes, and hid the top of her cheekbones.

According to the club’s website, this Friday night would be a masquerade.

It had taken Angel a lot to get access—a fee, interview questions, and submission of a photo. Once Blue’s manager approved her, they mailed a key card for the elevator entrance.

Angel held the card in her hand. “This is for Diana. If you were my little girl, I would make sure the case was truly a suicide.”

Angel checked her watch. “8:50pm. Christian will be here soon.”

Angel went into the glove compartment and grabbed her handgun—Glock 43. She checked that it was loaded, but on safety. Once certain, She put it in her purse.

Christian’s limo arrived and stopped in front of the elevator.

“Here we go.” Holding her purse close, Angel left her car. Her heels clanked against the concrete.

Christian’s driver exited the limo, headed around, and opened the back door.

Christian stepped out, wearing a black mask and designer suit. It was similar to Angel’s mask, hiding part of the forehead, covering the area around the eyes, and stopping above the cheeks.

His sexy lips were on full display.

Instead of strolling over to the elevator, Christian turned his gaze to Angel.

A shiver ran through her that had nothing to do with nervousness or fear.

Christian stirred heat inside of her.

Pretending like she didn’t notice him, Angel continued to the elevator. When she got close, he walked over and matched her pace. An expensive cologne radiated off him—so masculine and erotic.

Swallowing, Angel attempted to use her keycard.

Christian raised his hand. His seductive voice left those full lips. “Allow me. Please.”

“Thank you.” Angel put the card in the purse and made sure to not reveal the gun.

Christian curved his sexy lips into a panty-dropping smile. “You’re new to Blue?”

“I am.”

“What’s your name?”


He directed his gaze all over my body. “But you’re no angel, not in that dress. You’re enchanting.”

“Thank you.”

“Are you meeting someone here?”

“No. I’m by myself. I hope I don’t get lost in there. How big is it?”

“Not too big.” Through the mask, he pierced Angel with a heated gaze. Those blue eyes twisted her heart and did dirty things to her pussy. “I’ll show you around, Angel.”

“Good. That would be much appreciated.”

He still didn’t use his keycard. Instead, he extended his hand to her. “Nice meeting you.”

Christian gently took her hand, brought it up to his lips, and placed a kiss on her fingers. His touch was delicious and warm.

Finally, he used the keycard.

The elevators slid open.

Christian smiled. “After you.”

“Thank you again.” Angel walked on. “You’re a proper gentleman.”

He followed with a devilish smile. “Trust me. I’m not a proper gentleman.”

“No?” Angel glanced his way as he got to her side, filling her space with his powerful presence.

“Proper relates to appropriate behavior. Conventional even.” He turned Angel’s way and licked his lips. “Given the chance, I would not be proper with you. Especially in that dress, I doubt there would be anything left when I’m done.”

Angel widened her eyes.

The elevator doors closed.

She cleared my throat. “Well, okay then.”

He directed his attention back to the doors.

The elevator rose.

Angel hadn’t been prepared for the assault of heat that would come from being so close to him. She had to keep reminding herself that she was on a secret mission.

She smiled. “Thanks for being my tour guide, but I never asked your name.”

“My name?” He gazed at her with that devilish smile. “I assumed you already knew, Detective Michaels.”

What? He knows I’m a cop.


Steak and Potatoes



y boys’ voices woke me up.

They must’ve been outside. Somewhere in the backyard.

I rose from my desk with a pain in my neck and shoulders.

What time is it? Did I fall asleep on my keyboard?

I looked at the screen and scrolled up. There were thirty pages of endless p’s. Pages and pages of the letter.

No. No.

I scrolled up more and found what I’d written last night.

Perfect. At least that’s still there. Thank you, Jesus!!

Cory’s voice sounded off in the distance. “Yeah, but can you throw the ball like this?”

I yawned and stretched my neck.

Brandy laughed. “That’s my boy right there. Show them, Cory.”

Okay. Brandy woke up with them and let met sleep.

Trey laughed. “That’s good, Cory. There’s no way he can do it.”


Zain’s voice sounded. “I can do that and more. Watch this.”

Stunned, I parted my lips.

“Holy cow!” Trey screamed. “The ball went to the moon!”

“Whatever.” Cory grumbled. “The moon isn’t out now.”

“Then, it went to the sun!” Trey proclaimed.

“Who cares? It’s back in his hands now,” Trey yelled back. “But can you catch it, when I send it your way?”

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