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Lunchtime Chronicles: Passion Fruit

Page 14

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“That’s sweet, baby, but I’m the mother. You’re the child. I take care of you.” I pointed toward the backyard. “Watch the grill.”

“Will Zain get a potato too?”

“Yes, but the question is. . .will you get a potato?” I scowled at him.

“Sorry. I’m going.” He sulked back out to the grill.

Trey came into the kitchen. “Cory thinks you’re going to fall in love with Zain and have a bunch of new sons that you’ll love more than us.”

“That’s not happening.”

“I told him that, but he didn’t believe me.” Trey came over to me and kissed my cheek. “This is why I’m the favorite.”

“There are no favorites.”

Trey winked. “Sure. Let’s say that. He’s listening.”

Cory yelled back, “I’m the favorite!”

I focused on making the best baked potato for Zain. That meant it had to be perfectly golden and crispy on the outside, soft and fluffy on the inside with a satisfying hint of crunchy salt in each bite.

Trey peeked his head in the kitchen. “Are we going to load the potatoes, Mama?”

“Of course. Grab the chives and cut them.”

“Your favorite to the rescue.”

I laughed. “Get the melted butter out of the microwave.”

“Can’t forget the butter.”

“No, sir.” I brushed butter over the potatoes. Then, I sprinkled kosher salt and black pepper onto the potato skin and then poked them.

“Why do you always stab them?”

“You don’t want them to explode.”

Trey grinned. “It might be fun.”

I placed them in oven for twenty-five minutes. That would be the first round. Once the time came up, I would brush them again with butter and put the potatoes back in for another twenty minutes.

Trey chopped up the broccoli as I prepared the cheese sauce. When that was done, I poured a glass of Passion and went outside. “How’s that grill?”

“I think it’s almost time.” Cory frowned and stared at the flames.

“What’s wrong?”


“Everything is so new.” I placed my arm on his shoulder. “It must be messing with you.”

Cory sighed. “I just miss the old days.”

“The old days?”

“When Daddy and you were together.”

I pulled him close to me and hugged him. “I know, baby, but what you’ll soon realize is that life is happier for all of us this way. I’m definitely happier. And I know your dad probably is.”

He leaned away. “Do you think you will ever get married again to Dad?”

Hell to the fucking no! I would stab myself in both eyes first.

I gave him a weak smile. “No, baby. But. . .your dad and I. . .we’ll always be. . .friends.”

A little bile rose in my throat at the thought. But what else could I say? I did my best to stay on decent terms with him. Peaceful co-parenting.

I let him go. “Have you talked to your daddy since we’ve moved in?”


“Call him, after dinner.”

“I will.”

“I love you, baby. I know this is all new and different, but take it day by day, and soon you’ll find that you love this new norm more than the old times.”

“I hope so.”

I sipped some wine. “The potatoes are almost done. Let’s grill these steaks.”

His face brightened. “Okay. I’ll do it.”

“Fine, but I’ll watch. I can be your grill support.”

Food didn’t take much time to finish after that. The boys wanted to eat outside under the stars. I let them. But before sitting down with my plate, I made sure to take food over to Zain. I wanted to make sure he got it while it was hot.

Holding the Tupperware in my hands, I walked over to his front door and knocked.

He opened it and towered over me. His gaze pierced me and then swept over my body.

I lost the words I was going to say.

His sexy deep voice filled the air. “You’ve made good on your promise.”

I cleared my throat. “I did. I hope you like it.”

“I bet I will.” He took the container from me. “The whole neighborhood smells good this evening. I bet a lot of our neighbors were hoping you would bring them a plate. But, I’m the lucky one.”

“You are. Thanks to you I’m finished moving in.”

“Do you need anything else?”


“I can help with anything.”

It was something about how he said it that made me think he was talking about more than hammering and lifting.

I stepped back. “So. . .have a good night. I’ll see you. . .around.”

“Come inside.” He walked off.


I stepped inside and followed him. The first thing I noticed was that his place was much neater than I thought it would be. There was a bleach scent in the air like he’d just finished cleaning.

Zain set the Tupperware on the counter, walked over to the table, and picked up a small painting. “Here. It’s a housewarming gift. But, you don’t have to take it if you don’t want to.”

I stared at it. Two elephants faced each other. There was a huge display of love between them. They were as close as possible. One of the elephants eyes were closed as if in pure bliss.

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