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Rushed (Adventures in Love 1)

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“It’s not common to see bears on the trail,” Blake says as he hands a can of bear spray to each person. “But they are around, and so are cougars. Like we went over this morning, it’s important for you to be aware of your surroundings and to watch out for your partner. Now, please do not use the bear spray unless there’s a bear.” He gives Lauren a look, and she quickly closes the safety latch. “Enjoy your hike, and I’ll see you all tonight at the campsite for dinner.” He walks past me, palming my shoulder. “They’re all yours.”

I walk to the front of the group and look to each person. “Jacob, Parker, you two are going to lead us up the trail, and Cybil and I will follow at the back of the group. Like Blake said, everyone needs to stay alert and aware, and if anyone needs a break, say something, and we’ll all stop.” I glance to everyone once more. “Make sure you’re utilizing your hydration pack. You don’t want to get dehydrated out here. Any questions?”

When no one speaks up, I motion for Jacob and Parker to take the lead, and as they head toward the trail cut into the side of the mountain, I hear the bus behind us start up.

“Have you ever run into a bear when you’ve been out here hiking?” Lauren asks me over her shoulder as Cybil falls into place at my side.

“A few times, but they typically take off when they hear us coming, so sightings are rare.”

“At my house in Oregon, I ran into a black bear early one morning when I was going from my house to my shop, which is just across the driveway,” Cybil says, then laughs. “I almost had a heart attack. Up until that point, I had only seen them from a distance, so I didn’t know how big they really are up close.”

“What happened?” Avery asks, glancing back at her.

“We stared at each other for what felt like forever; then he ran off, and I went back into my house to grab a pot and spoon so I could make some noise when I went back out.” She laughs, and I chuckle. “I haven’t seen him since that morning, but I know he’s around, because every once in a while, my Ring camera will pick him up.”

“How do you know it was a boy?” Lauren asks.

“I don’t for sure, but when I googled how to tell the difference in case it was a mama with cubs, it said that male bears typically have larger, rounder faces, which makes it look like they have smaller ears.”

“That’s interesting,” Avery says as she looks up at her husband. “Human males have big heads too.”

“Witch.” He chuckles, taking his wife’s hand.

As the trail starts to take us up more of an incline, I scan the group to make sure everyone is doing okay. Before you can be approved for any retreat with Live Life Adventures, you’re required to get a physical and fill out a questionnaire so we’ll know exactly how hard we can push you. Cybil, Avery, and Lauren all stated in their information packets that they’re active but not exactly adventurous in their activities, so I’ll need to make sure the three of them are not pushing themselves too hard, too fast. One thing I learned from my time in the marines is it’s easy to burn yourself out when you feel pressure from the people around you to perform above your ability.

“Have you always been a guide?” Cybil asks quietly, pulling me out of my thoughts, and I glance down at her, finding her watching her footing as we walk up the rocky path.

“No. Blake, Maverick, and I were in the marines. During our last tour overseas, we decided that when our time was up, we’d go into business together. And since we specialized in teamwork and survival skills in the military, we figured we’d transfer that knowledge to the real world.”

“How long have you been out of the military?”

“I’ll be out three years next month, and Mav and Blake got discharged a couple of months after I did.”

“I’m sure you saw a lot overseas.” She glances up at me, her eyes looking even bluer with the backdrop of the forests and the light coming in through the canopy of trees.

“We did,” I agree but don’t say more, and I’m thankful when she doesn’t ask more questions. My time in the military isn’t something I like to talk about, especially given some of the things I witnessed and experienced while overseas.

“So then you guys decided to move to Montana? Are you from here?”

“No, I grew up in Kentucky. Blake grew up here. His family lives in the valley, and his parents owned the land the lodge is on now. When we came to them with our business plan, they sold us ten acres of their property.”

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