Rushed (Adventures in Love 1) - Page 37

“Feel better?” I take her hand and unwrap the tape before removing the glove.

“Yes, but now I’m exhausted.” She yawns. “I’m sorry for taking so long. I had to wash my hair about ten times before it felt clean.”

Smiling, I run my eyes over her long, wet blonde hair and pretty face and see that she looks more relaxed than she did. “The pill kicked in.”

“Yeah.” She yawns again. “Between that and today, I feel like I could sleep for a year.”

“I bet.” I motion to the bed for her to climb in, then go to the TV and swivel it around before I hand her the remote and steal a kiss. “I’m gonna shower.”

“I’ll be here.” She lies down, and I give her one last look before I step into the bathroom and close the door.

Fifteen minutes later, clean and wearing a pair of basketball shorts, I step out of the bathroom to find Cybil already asleep. Exhausted myself, I turn off the lights and crawl into bed next to her. I turn off the TV, then maneuver her until she’s lying half on me, careful to place her hand on my chest.

As her warm breath brushes against my skin, I close my eyes, relishing how fucking perfect she fits against me and how easily I’ve come to care for her. Unlike her, I’ve never had a serious relationship. When I was young, girls tended to stay away. I grew up poor. My parents would spend what little money the government sent them each month on booze instead of on the kid they didn’t want. That meant I didn’t have more than one change of clothes, showering was a rarity at times, and food was scarce.

I joined the military when I turned eighteen, and ever since then, I’ve been focused on making it so that any kids I might have one day will never have to struggle like I did. Women for me have been a fun distraction from time to time, but never more than that. With Cybil, things are different. There’s no denying the chemistry between us, but it’s more than that for me. I crave her presence, and how at peace she makes me feel when I’m around her, and there’s no denying the urge I have to protect and take care of her. Something she seems to need from me, and something easy for me to give her because I’ve never had someone who needed that from me before.

I let out a deep breath and hold her a little tighter. Fuck, but I’m really looking forward to having her all to myself for the next week.

Chapter 14


“Told you he was into you,” Parker whispers in my ear as his arms tighten around me, and I laugh. “I’m happy for you two.”

“Thanks.” I smile as he passes me to Jacob, who hugs me just as tightly. Then I step back into Tanner, who wraps his arm around my waist. “I’ll call you guys and let you know when I’m driving home, so we can meet up for lunch or something.”

“We’d like that,” Jacob says softly, watching stupid tears fill my eyes. “Do not cry.”

“I’m not going to cry,” I deny, even though I’ve been a weepy mess all morning. “I think I might be allergic to the pain meds.”

“Sure.” He smiles as Parker and Tanner both laugh. The truth is I had no idea it would be so hard to say goodbye to everyone. Oliver and Lauren were the first to leave this morning. I wasn’t too broken up about them going, but I still got emotional. Then Avery and Grant took off, anxious to see their son, and I cried like a baby. Now I feel the tears coming on again, and I’m not sure I’ll be able to hold them back.

“We’ll see you in a few days.” Parker closes the distance between us, dropping a kiss to my cheek before looking at Tanner and patting his shoulder. “Take care of her.”

Tanner doesn’t respond, but he does lift his chin, which I’m guessing is his badass way of agreeing.

“Drive safe, guys.” I wave at the two of them as they get into their Jeep, then watch as they back out and drive off with a honk.

“Are you okay?” Tanner asks, turning me to face him, and I nod, then drop my forehead against his chest. “Tired or pain?” His arms slide around me.

“A little of both.” Even after going to sleep early, I still feel like I could sleep for a year. The pain in my hand was relentless all night and kept waking me up. “I’ll take a pain pill after we get to your house.”

“I got some water for you in my truck. You can take one on the way.”

“I’m driving, so I don’t think that would be smart.”

Tags: Aurora Rose Reynolds Adventures in Love Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024