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Rushed (Adventures in Love 1)

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“I think I might hate you right now.” She gets up on her tiptoes, bringing her mouth closer to mine, and bites my bottom lip hard enough to sting.

“That wasn’t very nice.” I move my hand to the front of her shorts and find her clit with ease. “Put your hand on my shoulder and leave it there, or I stop.”

“Oh God.” Her head falls back, and her hips buck as she rests her wrist on my shoulder.

“And you gotta be quiet, sunshine.”

“If you stop when I’m so clos—”

“I won’t stop unless you move your hand,” I say, interrupting her threat, and her eyes open to meet mine, then widen in shock—or maybe it’s awe—when I circle her entrance and her clit. I know the instant she starts to come. Her pupils dilate, her mouth opens on a gasp, and her pussy starts to clench. Hearing her whimper and feeling the nails of her good hand dig into my biceps, I cover her mouth with mine and swallow down her moan before slowly easing my hand from between her legs. When really, I want nothing more than to slide her shorts down her hips, wrap her legs around my waist, and plunge into her.

“Don’t let me go,” she whispers when I drag my mouth from hers and remove my hand from her pants.

“I won’t.” I smile at the satisfied look on her face. “Still hate me?”

“Not anymore.” She laughs, dropping her forehead to my chest, where she whispers, “Thank you.”

“I’m here for that anytime you need me.” I kiss the top of her head while my arms wrap around her.

“I think I can stand without the risk of falling on my face now.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah.” She lifts her head, putting her hand to my cheek to run her thumb over my lip where she bit me. “Sorry about that.”

“I’m not complaining.” I kiss the tip of her nose, watching her face soften.

“We should probably get out to your friends before they think we’re being rude.”

“Since they showed up uninvited, they can stay out there all night by themselves for all I care.”

“Now, that would be rude.” She grins before leaning up to place a kiss on my jaw and then steps away from me. “I’m just . . . umm . . . I’ll be right back.” She hurries to the small room where the toilet is and closes the door, while I go to the sink to wash my hands and will my cock to die down as I adjust my erection. After she comes out and washes her hands, we leave the room together and head to the kitchen, where Margret and Cammy are cutting up vegetables and the guys are nowhere in sight.

“Cybil.” Margret smiles when she spots us. “This is my best friend, Cammy. Cammy, this is Cybil.”

“Nice to meet you.” Cybil gives her a wave, then looks around. “Do you need help with anything?”

“You can be in charge of skewering the veggies for the kabobs.” Margret passes Cybil a pack of sticks, then looks at me. “The guys are out starting the grill. I don’t know why three of them need to start it or why they haven’t come back in. Maybe they need you to go out there to sing ‘Kumbaya’ while holding hands.”

“I’ll go help them.” I hook Cybil around the side of her neck, and she looks at me. “Are you okay in here with these two?”

“She’s fine.” Margret laughs and Cybil glances at her, smiling before meeting my gaze once more.

“I’m good. Go hang with the guys.”

“Wait.” Margret holds out a beer toward me. “I think you’ll need this for your fire-starting ritual.”

“Thanks.” I take it and kiss the side of Cybil’s head before I leave out the back door.

When I step outside, Mav turns my way. “Leave it to you to purchase the most fucking complicated barbecue around.”

“It’s not complicated. You just gotta know how to use it.” I flip up the switch on the wall that’s attached to the gas hidden under the deck. “Now turn the knob.”

He does, and the middle row of flames comes to life, followed by the others.

“Well, that was easy,” Mason mumbles before taking a swig of his beer.

I twist the top off mine, flicking the piece of metal toward the garbage in the corner, then look at Blake, noticing the annoyed look on his face. “You still pissed about Cybil and me?”

“No.” His gaze meets mine.

“Then what crawled up your ass?”

“Margret told him that Cammy’s boyfriend is going to propose,” Mason says, and Blake shoots a glare his way, and he holds up his hand. “Just saying, I know that’s what’s had you in a shit mood all day.”

“I couldn’t give one fuck about Cammy marrying some douchebag banker from Missoula.”

“Right,” Mav mumbles into his beer before tipping it back, and I do the same with mine, knowing it’s pointless to even broach the subject of feelings and emotions with Blake. He would rather pull out his nails one by one than admit he’s jealous, which I know he is.

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