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Pure Gold

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I’m not big on the whole MC lifestyle. That’s how Jason grew up, but when we left the Marines together and came back home, he asked me to be his VP. His father had passed away, leaving the club to him. I knew he needed me, so of course I said yes. I consider that man to be a brother. We’ve gone through some shit together, and I will always have his back.

It wasn't really a change of pace, honestly. He’d always taken the lead of our unit. He was better about thinking rationally where I can be a bit more brute force at times. One of the perks to being a part of the club was I had a handful of men I could trust to come out here and keep an eye on my girl.

“Hey!” Savannah pops up from her bed. Thor lets out a growl. He’s obviously not a big fan of mine at the moment. But I respect the shit out of him for protecting my girl.

“Down,” I bark at the dog. He listens as he always does to me. He doesn't challenge me, but he’s feeling his own distress. We all are. It’s hard to ignore her wet cheeks, but I know I have to press forward. Savannah needs a firm hand and someone to guide her. All I want to do is pluck her off the bed, hold her, and let her cry it out, but that will come later.

“Don’t talk to him that way,” she huffs.

“We’re packing your shit.” I open a closet and find a bag on the floor. I start shoving shit inside it.

“What do you mean I’m packing?” I have to fight not to look her way. I’ll have her pinned to the bed with my cock inside of her if I do. I close my eyes, taking a long, deep breath. “Put my stuff down.”

“No.” I shove more of her shit into the bag. “Something is going on, and I don’t like it, and I don’t want you here by yourself.”

“What are you talking about?” I toss the now full bag aside and find another. I go into her bathroom and start shoving everything I can inside. “You’re making a mess. I’m not going anywhere with you.”

“Who’s going to stop me from taking you?” I turn around to finally face her. “I’ll buy whatever else you need. You need better shit anyways.”

“Hey! Stop insulting me. I worked hard for this stuff.” She puts her hands on her hips, looking really pissed now. Good. It’s better than her crying.

“Am I carrying you out or are you going to walk on your own?” I grab the other bag I packed before going for her cell phone I see on the charger next to her bed. I pocket it.

“Stop taking my stuff.” She tries to make a grab for it, falling in the process over her own damn feet. I catch her easily before tossing her over my shoulder. “You’re a brute! Put me down.” She’s so damn light. “Thor, do something!”

I spot a bag of dog food as I pass through the kitchen. I snag it, whistling for Thor to follow.

“You’re really taking me? Seriously, Archer. This is going too far,” she says when I deposit her into the front seat of my SUV. Honestly, she’s not putting up much of a fight.

“You know this place is going to be sold soon. Not like you can stay,” I bluff. Little does she know it’s all going to belong to her. I’m guessing she’s going to sell. What the hell else is she going to do with it?

“I’m staying. I don’t have anywhere to go.” She blows out a breath, her eyes watering again.

She has places to go. She’s damn close with her best friend Ollie’s family. I’m a bit surprised she doesn’t live with them. I’d bet it’s been on the table before. Thank fuck she doesn’t, though. That would make this shit a whole lot harder. Those Hart men wouldn’t let me roll into their home and pluck her up so easily.

Ollie’s father not only owns a bail bonds company, but he’s a retired cop. He’s actually the cop that arrested Jason and me all those years ago. The fact that Jason is dating Ollie hasn’t been going over too well. Not that it’s stopping them.

Still, I’m an asshole, and I’m not going to be quick to point out that she’s got somewhere to go. Or the fact that she’s about to have a fuck ton of money too if this all plays out right. Right now I still have a bunch of things to figure out before I start filling her in on stuff. I’m trying to get all the details and facts straight.

Starting with what is going on with her dead grandfather’s estate and the land. Then we have the small issue that my girl is fucking married. Need to sort that shit out too. I’m pretty sure she has no fucking clue. If I were a betting man, I’d say that her grandfather did some kind of behind-the-scenes shiesty shit and married her off without her even knowing. But I guess all the cards will fall into place soon.

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