Pure Gold - Page 13

He pulls out his chair, dropping down into it. His arm brushes against mine. It should come as no shock that he set me up to share his desk with him. He’s so ridiculously over the top. Thank God the thing is giant with more than enough room for the both of us. Still somehow when he’s at the desk with me, he is always brushing up against me.

“I could have gotten whatever you needed,” I say tartly. I know I’m being ridiculous, but I can’t help myself.

“I had to piss.”


“You okay?” He brushes my hair off my shoulder.

“I’m trying to work. Unlike others who have time to giggle around here.” A deep, sexy chuckle rumbles from Archer. See, I can be funny. That wasn't meant to be funny, but still. I have my moments.

“You hungry?” He starts to play with the end of my hair.

“I can always eat.”

“I could always eat you.” He brings my hair to his nose, smelling it. I fight the heat that pools deep in my stomach.

My body has stayed on the edge of desire since he made me come this morning in bed. The flood gates are now open, and I want so much more. It’s all my mind can think about. Has to be, while I’m failing at everything else I’m tasked with in this place.

“I’m going to file a complaint with HR.”

“Want me to walk you over to Debra’s office?”

“Who’s that?” I snatch my hair back from him, making him smile.


“You know what? When my best friend marries Jason she’ll own part of this place and fire you.” He lets out another chuckle. “What’s so funny? He’s so in love with her there isn’t going to be a prenup,” I bluff. I don’t know why I’m poking at him. I think I’m really trying to get some dirt on Jason. See what Archer might say about him.

“You’re right, but I own half of it so—” He shrugs. “You could marry me and then maybe the three of you could force me out?” he suggests, leaning back in his chair.

“That’s not the least bit helpful.” I go back to pretending to know what I’m doing.

“You don’t want lunch?” I turn, peeking over at him.

“I’ll order lunch.” Felicity comes walking into the office, her pretty heels clicking loudly on the floor.

“What do you want?” Archer asks. “I don’t know why I asked.” I peek over at him, wondering what that means. “It’s Thursday. Order the pot pie special from Rally’s. I’ll take a burger or something.” How the hell? I have that every Thursday. It’s the only day Rally’s makes it.

“Pot pie?” Felicity’s perfect eyebrows pull together.

She actually looks a bit out of place here in her heels and tight business skirt. Archer is in jeans and a plain black shirt with boots. Felicity is the only one that is all done up. That said, she's the only other woman I’ve seen except for the mention of Debra from HR.

We’re in a building that is more of a warehouse than anything. While it’s nice, you can tell it was quickly constructed. The parking lot is all gravel. We’re sitting in a freaking field. No clue how she walked in those heels on the gravel, but color me impressed.

When you look out the windows on the south side of the building, you can see the trucks coming and going as they dig out the land for the mines. The land stretches over toward my grandfather’s. I’ve always wondered if there might be gold, but my grandfather could never find any, and I know he tried.

For some reason, he always kept it hidden that he was looking for it. I don’t think he wanted anyone to think he was money hungry. It's a bit mind-boggling to me because he required the members of his church to fork over a lot of money to stay under his guidance or whatever you call it.

Off toward the other direction, you can see the giant white tented greenhouses in the distance that I believe are filled with marijuana. My grandfather loathed them. I actually recall him joining in the protests about them in town to stop them from happening. He clearly lost that battle.

“Make sure there are mashed potatoes. Does it come with it, sweet girl, or do you have to add it?” He picks up my hair again and starts playing with it.

“It comes with it,” I respond.

“Gross,” Felicity mutters under her breath while rolling her eyes as she turns to leave. I’m not sure if she’s talking about the pot pie or Archer being all sticky sweet with me. I don’t care. She can go suck on an egg or something.

“Shut the door behind you and don’t come in again without knocking,” Archer calls as she exits.

He’s not looking at her, but I am. Her face turns red with anger. She’s gonna explode here in a minute. It only reassures me that my hunch is correct, and she has a thing for Archer. It’s not shocking. Women are always falling over themselves wanting his attention.

Tags: Lucy Darling Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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