Pure Gold - Page 18

“Life’s short, Vee. I think you should give Archer a shot. If the man was only looking to get laid, he could do that easily. I don’t think that’s what he’s after.”

“I know.” I sigh.

“He’s not one of the stupid boys from high school either. None of those little shits ever got in your shorts. Bet they are all jacking off to this day thinking about it.”

“Ollie!!!” I scream. “I can’t believe you just said that!”

“I’m a little slutty now.” She shrugs.

“You’ve had sex with one man,” I remind her.

“A ton of times. Besides, I bet it would take three of their dicks to make one of Jason’s.” I burst into laughter. “Has Archer gone down on you yet?” she asks, making a dreamy sigh. “That’s everything.”

“No.” I can’t keep the pout out of my tone. I’ve been thinking about it since he made the comment about eating me for lunch. That hadn’t happened. He’d eaten his burger and then brought me over here to see Ollie.

Once we got here, he and Jason went back out into the club so Ollie and I could catch up. At least I think that’s where they’ve been. He could have gone back to work for all I know. He left to bring me over here.

Jason has popped in a few times to check on us but left us alone for the most part to do the wedding stuff. It was adorable how involved he would get if Ollie asked him a random question. He didn’t brush her off and say do whatever. He engaged with her, wanting to be a part of it. For never having a girlfriend before, he’s damn good at it.

“Let’s go find them. I’m sure if you ask, he’ll be more than happy to go downtown on you.”

“You better not say that to him. I’ll murder you,” I warn. “Ollie, I’m being serious.”

“I won’t.” She waves me off. “Jason would spank my ass if I talked about oral sex with another man. He’s the jelly type.” I grab my phone to follow her out, seeing I have a few missed calls from William. “What does he want?” Ollie scrunches her nose.

“Probably to talk about my grandfather. I’m sure I have to move at some point.”

“You can stay with me,” she offers instantly. “Or you can continue to stay in that fancy penthouse I heard Archer has.” I elbow her in the side. “I bet Thor is living the high life now in that place.” We both burst out laughing.

“I’ll call him back later.” I slip my phone into my back pocket. I want to enjoy my time with Ollie. We haven’t been able to hang as much as we used to, and I don’t want to deal with William right now.

“Do not go see that man alone. He’s been trying to get with you for years,” she says in true Ollie form. I swear that girl is always looking out for me.

“Gross. That’s never happening.” He has been. My grandfather even tried to push a relationship with William at one point.

There had actually been a few men he wanted me to marry. I think he had some hope that if I married one of his followers, I might start to become one of his believers. He saw that was never going to happen on its own and was gearing up to give me the boot. I knew the clock was ticking and had already been saving and looking for a new place. I always knew I had the option to stay with Ollie and her dad so I hadn’t worried about my grandpa kicking me out too much.

“Do not go see that creep by yourself.”

“I won’t. I’m just going to call him tomorrow to see what’s going on. I need to deal with whatever he has to tell me.”

“Good. If you have to go, I’ll come with you or you can take Archer. He won’t give you shit with him around,” she says as I follow her out. We stop at Jason’s office first. Ollie doesn’t bother to knock; she just opens the door. Jason looks up from behind his desk.

“Are you ladies all done?”

“Yep.” Ollie walks over toward him. He pushes back his chair to make room for her. She drops down in his lap. Jason’s hand goes to her stomach to rest there as he kisses her. My heart warms with happiness for her. But at the same time, it aches with wanting something like that of my own.

“I’m going to go find Archer.” I back out of the office.

“Sorry. I’ll come with you.” Ollie tries to get up from off Jason’s lap but gets nowhere.

“It’s fine.” I laugh.

“He went up to his room to grab something,” Jason says.

“And where is that?”

“Take the hallway to your left. There is a set of stairs that go up. He’s got the only room up there.”

Tags: Lucy Darling Erotic
Source: readsnovelonline.net
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