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Love Match (Love Match 1)

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In his room, Luke took off his suit and hung it carefully in a garment bag. With plenty of time, Luke polished his shoes before packing them as well. When there was nothing left to do, he lay down on the bed and tried to find something on TV in English.

Eventually he gave up and turned off the lights, shutting his eyes and willing his brain to stop thinking. To stop imagining a certain blond with a tight little body and a big smile. A mouth that could probably do some pretty amazing things—

“Christ,” Luke groaned. He gave up and reached into his briefs, stroking his cock. He squeezed tightly and moved his fist up and down, imagining it was Jesse’s hand, imagining that it was his mouth. He thought about how Jesse’s body would feel beneath him, how his skin would taste.

Luke’s hips lifted from the mattress and he planted his feet on the bed for more leverage as he worked himself. One hand found his nipples, teasing and pinching them as he jerked his dick hard—once, twice, three times before he came with a strangled moan.

His legs flopped down to the mattress, and he caught his breath before he finally dragged himself to the bathroom to clean up. Soon, he was in a deep sleep, interrupted only by his wake-up call from the front desk.

“Did you really have to bring the heat back with you from Chile?” Jesse fanned his face with his racquet.

“I thought it was the least I could do; it was threatening to snow last week.” Luke smacked the ball over the net and waited for Jesse’s return shot. The sun was high in the sky and only a faint breeze wafted over from the sea. It was February, but the temperature had soared into the high eighties.

“Har, har.” Jesse hit a backhand cross-court.

Luke returned it, and they kept the rally going for another few shots before Luke hit a winner up the line. Out of breath, Luke pulled his tank top off over his head, tired of the cloth sticking to him.

“Good idea.” Jesse followed suit, tossing his shirt to the side of the court.

Luke watched for a few moments: Jesse’s firm stomach and lean arms, skin that looked smooth to the touch …

“—waiting for?”

“Huh?” Luke blinked. Jesse was staring at him.

“I said, what are you waiting for? It’s your serve.”

“Right.” He served quickly, trying to avoid any further conversation. They rallied back and forth again, with Jesse eventually hitting a solid backhand into the corner. Luke saw it coming and tapped a drop shot just over the net. Jesse ran for it, legs flying, a blur of motion.

Just when Luke thought he was actually going to be able to return the shot, Jesse doubled over in pain, his racquet clattering to the ground as he fell. Luke was around the net before he’d even had a chance to think about it.

“Are you okay?” He kneeled beside Jesse on the hot surface of the court.

Jesse grimaced, his hands on his left leg. “It’s just a cramp. I guess I’m not used to the heat right now.”

“Here.” Luke moved Jesse’s hands aside and started kneading the stiff muscles.

“It’s okay, I’ll be fine,” Jesse gritted out.

“Just sit there and shut up.”

Jesse didn’t argue, and Luke continued massaging his leg. He didn’t apply too much pressure, just enough to dissipate some of the tension. He moved his hands over Jesse’s calf and up to his thigh and tried not to think about how the skin was just as smooth as he thought it would be.

The fine blond hair on Jesse’s legs felt soft under Luke’s fingers as he kneaded and urged away any tightness. Neither of them spoke, and Luke could feel Jesse’s breath on his cheek, could feel the heat from his body.

Suddenly it seemed like the air was electric, like there was nothing else in the world but the two of them. Nothing but the feel of Jesse’s hot skin, the sound of his breathing. Luke felt a rush of blood to his cock when he noticed that Jesse was getting hard beneath his nylon shorts. He would only need to move his hand a few inches up Jesse’s thigh and he could hold him, stroke him—

With a rush of air, Jesse’s lips were on his, soft and hot and pressing insistently.

Luke jolted away as if Jesse had slapped him.

He sat back and sucked a deep breath into his lungs. He hadn’t kissed anyone in a very long time, and he hadn’t expected it to feel like this. He wasn’t sure if he was so shocked because it was different from what he remembered, or because it was the same.

“I’m sorry!” Jesse jumped to his feet with a stricken expression on his face and hurried away, hobbling on his cramped leg before Luke could even process what was happening.

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